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Lord of the Flies: Ralph’s Anguish

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The Lord of the Flies: Ralph’s Anguish

One can not help but wonder which character in the novel, The Lord of the Flies, suffers the most. The author, William Golding, provides the reader with many characters which may lead to a possible solution. However, there is only one character that can fully embody the meaning of suffering, this character is Ralph. Ralph’s suffering can be observed in three incidents from the novel. First, Ralph is forced to give up his childhood in order to take responsibility for the group, as result he is constantly in conflict with his child emotions. Secondly, Ralph’s only friends are either killed or tortured in to submission leaving him alone and with no one to support him. Lastly, Ralph is hunted by Jack’s tribe for attempting to maintain order on the island. In the novel, The Lord of the Flies, the character Ralph suffers the most since he experiences the harsh reality of adulthood.

Firstly, Ralph’s decision to take responsibility of the group compromises his childhood. As he is forced into leadership, Ralph is in constant pressure to act mature and wise. This is observed when Ralph and Jack discuss the group’s present situation on the beach. As Ralph discusses the importance of the fire, Jack constantly brings up the topic of hunting. Ralph is under so much pressure that he explodes and shouts, “I was talking about smoke! Don’t you want to be rescued? All you can talk about is pig, pig, pig!” (Golding 54). This statement shows that Ralph is under acute stress and is suffering from his leadership duties. In addition, there are instances where he wishes that he is a part the group instead of the leader. Such an incident occurs at the first pig feast, Ralph watches the hunters dance around the fire and chant in unison. “Ralph watched them, envious and resentful” (75). As the statement shows, Ralph is in envy of those who do not share his burden of leadership. He also possesses feelings of resentment for those who are free from responsibility due to the fact that it is he who carries the heavy weight of liability. Thus, it is evident that the toils of adult responsibility are taking their toll on Ralph’s character.

Furthermore, Ralph is forced to suppress his childlike emotion in order to convey the image to the group that he is a responsible and mature authority figure on the island. Throughout the novel, Ralph wishes he can throw the weight of adult responsibility off his shoulders and enjoy the trouble free life of a child. At a certain point in the novel, Ralph goes as far as giving up his leadership title by denouncing himself and appointing Jack as chief (93). Ralph is so envious for a life without adult responsibilities that he wishes an adult were present on the island. “We’re all drifting and thing are going rotten. At home there was always a grownup. Please, sir; Please, miss; and then you got an answer. How I wish!” (94). Thus, the statement shows that Ralph has become weary of his leadership duties and wishes that there would be another to undertake his duties. Therefore, by showing the breakdown of Ralph due to

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