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There is a part of every person that is primeval and instinctive; some are more prone to show it rather than suppress it. Caliban, a pivotal character in Shakespeare final play The Tempest, is such a character displaying traits like generosity, being ignorantly repetitive, and his vengefulness.

Caliban is a very generous person and very open to strangers. He practically gives Prospero rule over him and his island by showing everything on the island that they would need to survive on the island. Also when stephano and trinc become stranded on the island he befriends the two drunks and says that he will show them the things that they need to live and becomes drunk with them.

As the reader finds out in the play Caliban is ignorantly repetitive. As in the beginning of the play Caliban is nice to Prospero and in return Caliban becomes Prospero slave. Prospero treats him like crap and caliban just sits there and takes it while mumbling under his breath not doing anything. Then when he meets up with steph and trinc he willingly becomes stephs servant/slave by saying that he would lick his

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