Newyork City
By: Mike • Essay • 521 Words • December 26, 2009 • 1,017 Views
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What do you think of when you think of New York City? Do you think of the history; Ellis Island where the melting pot began, The Statue of Liberty a symbol of our freedom, and the tragedy of 9/11/2001? Do you think of the buildings that little children and tourists view in awe, looking up from their strollers eyes wide with curiosity or looking through the lenses of their cameras waiting to show the folks back home? Do you think of the melting pot, where people of all different backgrounds can be found living in harmony among one another? Do you think of the unity of the individual boroughs each with their own unique feel, and each with their own things to marvel at and things to teach? Or do you think of home?
New York City is all about the senses. James Tuite thought of the sounds the city made, the unique hustle and bustle of the city he called home back in 1966. Even then it never slept; and now the sounds grow even louder with the increasing influx of people, expanding up into the beautiful skyline of New York City captured in so many photographs and postcards. He described in detail the sounds surrounding him during the course of one day and night. He made the menial seem musical. Ian Frazier points out smells. He mentions someone he knew leaving the city because they could always smell food in the hallways and mentions that this is something he loves about New York. The smell of ethnic food is something very apparent when you’re in New York. Whether it’s gyros in Manhattan, or the obvious smell of china town, the smells never cease.
In New York City, you will see things you have never seen before. I remember when I was little, seeing