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Odysseus as an Epic Hero

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The Odyssey

In Homer’s The Odyssey, our main character, Odysseus, battles a feat of obstacles on the path back to his family and home. Throughout every disaster experienced in Book Two, Odysseus remains a true leader and strives to bring his people and himself home after many years. Odysseus has been known by many to be an epic hero, defined as someone who is higher than a normal human being but lower than a super human or a God. By using qualities such as curiosity, bravery, cleverness and nobility, a conclusion can be made. Book Two shows that Odysseus truly can not be anything but an epic hero and a leader to all.

Curiosity is a much generalized characteristic that is displayed as neither a super-human trait nor a normal human trait. However, curiosity is of importance to a true leader and hero who must be willing to look beyond the obvious and to display bravery no matter what is found. Without curiosity, discoveries could never be made. Odysseus’ curiosity is used when he is able to pose as one of Penelope’s suitors. If his true identity had been known he would not have been able to show his skills with his bow. His curiosity to observe others under his disguise helped him in this scene as he was able to talk with his old servant and observe the other suitors. By observing under disguise, his curiosity was soothed as he discovered what had been going on with Penelope while he was gone (p. 936-943, lines 1082-1300, “The Test of the Great Bow” and “Death at the Palace”). He also displays curiosity when he poses as a beggar to his son right before the Gods show his true identity (p. 929-930, lines 935-990, “Meeting of Father and Son”). He is able to hear what has been going on in his home for the last few years without his son knowing who he really is. This soothes his curiosity for knowledge of the times since his departure.

Bravery is in my opinion the most important mark of a leader. Odysseus displays this trait throughout every scene in the Odyssey. Bravery is shown in scenes of Book Two, where he reveals his true identity (p. 931, lines 1006-1035), (p. 938, lines 1155-1159), and also in scenes where Odysseus slays Penelope’s suitors (p. 942 lines, 1253-1260). In these lines Odysseus does not know the reactions he will receive from his family when his identity is revealed. He is brave in displaying who he really is and ridding himself of the beggar’s disguise. He is also brave in fighting for his wife, whom he has not been in contact with her for many years, and in killing all the men who were looking to marry her.

Nobility is a trait that not many people have. This makes it more of a super human quality. The dictionary defines noble as “the state or quality of being a sublime character”. Odysseus displays nobility in many scenes of Part Two, just by being heartfelt and kind. The only time he is violent or rude is at a point where rudeness and violence are called upon. He then kills Penelope’s suitors. Odysseus shows true nobility in parts such as p. 930, lines 977-978 and page 938, lines 1157-1159. In these lines Odysseus shows he is truly noble by treating all men as equals, although he is of higher class than most. On page 930 Odysseus shows true dignity and respect for his son. While dressed as a beggar, Odysseus gets out of his seat and offers it to his son as the boy enters the room. Although Odysseus has not had contact with his son and is dressed like a peasant, he shows a great amount of respect by standing and offering his chair to him. Odysseus shows the most nobility on page 938, where he meets his servant after many years. His servant, Eumaues, expresses his joy of seeing Odysseus again and Odysseus returns the emotion. He hugs the old servant and both men burst into tears.

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