An orangutan has a lot of wonderful interesting facts to know about. Like their physical characteristics. Orangutans also have habitat and their diet.
An orangutan has many physical characteristics. An orangutan is big (male: 4.5 to 5 feet tall females: 3.3 feet tall.) with red and brown hair. Orangutan males can weigh up to 110 to 198 pounds. Orangutan females can weigh up to 66 to 110 pounds. Orangutan males have check pads when they start to grow older.
Orangutans do eat and sleep. Orangutans sleep in nests up in the trees. Orangutans use big leaves to cover themselves when it rains. Also orangutans like to eat ripe fruits, figs, leaves, bark, insects and meat. They may also eat young birds and eggs.
There are a lot of awesome interesting facts about orangutans. Did you know the word orangutan means “person of the forest.” An orangutan’s arms stretch longer than their bodies. Also did you know some orangutans can live up to 40 years. Orangutans are one of the endangered species.
As you can see there are a lot of amazing interesting facts you can learn on the orangutan. All you need to is look for their physical characteristics, habitat and their diet. Also interesting facts about the orangutan.
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