By: Artur • Essay • 568 Words • March 5, 2010 • 832 Views
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The Renaissance was a very important time for the development of Europe, but mostly for France and Italy. One of the most important aspects of it was the Art and Poetry that was produced in this frame of time. In this essay I will discuss and describe the importance and affect that Art and poetry had on the renaissance.
It is estimated that the Renaissance took place from the middle of the 14TH to the middle of the 17TH century. Though it was primarily in France and Italy it also spread to most other parts of Europe. The word Renaissance is Greek for “rebirth”. It is called that for many reasons, but one of the main one is because it was a time when many of the beliefs, thoughts, and ideas were reconsidered. Also a lot of the forms and styles of art and poetry were revisited.
One way that poetry and art had a major effect on the renaissance is that it became a source of employment for many people. There were many artists and poets such as Picasso and Shakespeare that helped to set a standard for poetry and art for years to come. Even today much of the poetry by Shakespeare is still highly regarded and debated by people all over the world.
Poetry also had a major affect on theatre and daily life. One way that it affected theatre is that many poems and stories were later turned into major productions at places such as the Globe Theatre in Southwark, London near Maiden Lane which is modern day Park Street. Some plays that were preformed there were Romeo & Juliet and Hamlet. These plays were a source of entertainment for all people to attend.
Another thing that had a major affect on the renaissance is the works of art that were created during this period of time. Many times, upper class citizens would have a portrait painted of themselves to remember important occasions. Others would have them painted to show their importance to other people and to have something to leave behind for their children to remember them by.
Poetry and art helped people to become more open minded. It did this by challenging the things that they knew to be true and proper. They were confronted