Super Size Me
By: Jon • Essay • 363 Words • January 1, 2010 • 1,029 Views
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Super Size Me was not only created to show the harmful effects of eating fast food, namely McDonald’s. Morgan created the film to show that fast food has become a fixture in our country’s culture. McDonald’s is also starting to influence other cultures in other countries as well. The movie showed that McDonald’s, along with other types of fast food, can directly effect a person’s health. This repetitive eating of these foods can cause cholesterol issues, liver issues, chest pains, obesity, and seem to be acting as a drug. Morgan frequently pointed out that throughout his day, he felt depressed.
However, it seems that the lack of McDonald’s can create the same mood fluctuation as the lack of nicotine. meal from McDonalds, he once again, felt that he had energy and all together, became a happier person. There have been laws passed, making it illegal to smoke in any public place. Although these two can be linked, in the way they effect your attitude, one is much more socially acceptable then the other. Morgan gained over twenty pounds and experienced various health issues from eating McDonald’s three times a day, for thirty days, but a person could smoke six cigarettes a day, double that of his meals, for sixty days, doubling the