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The Adventures of Timmy the Otter

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Timmy was having a nightmare it started like this. “Give up Timmy! There is no possible way for you to beat me!” said a voice. This was no random voice it was Pogurt the evil penguin warlock. I didn’t tell you this but Timmy sees into the future in dreams sometimes. He sees only non-important parts. For example, he can’t see if anyone necessarily dies in the battle he just sees the parts that don’t have important parts. Now where we left off with Timmy’s nightmare Pogurt’s guard was charging at Timmy. Timmy woke up suddenly. “Man what a nightmare.” Timmy mumbled.

As Wilbur the walrus and Harold the platypus were walking by they saw Timmy coming to greet them (Timmy is an otter). “Good Morning!” Timmy said, sounding tense. “Morning. What’s the matter?” Wilbur asked. “Well I had a nightmare and it went like this…..” Timmy replied, and so he told them about his nightmare. When he finished they didn’t respond for a while. Then Harold said “Hmmmm very, very interesting. What should we about this Wilbur?” Harold asked. “Well to be quite honest we can only stop these nightmares if we can somehow kill Pogurt which will be very difficult.” Wilbur replied. “Now Timmy we know you are very nervous. But if you wish to stop these nightmares is to kill Pogurt.” Harold said. “No! I am not sure about this I have no confidence that I can make the trip.” replied Timmy. “Timmy you’re the only one that can save us!!!!” replied Wilbur. “Ok. Fine I will go.” Timmy said.

And so Timmy, Wilbur, and Harold set off on their adventure. As I told you Timmy has special powers. Harold and Wilbur do too. Harold has the ability to make his tail go metal and whack people with it. Wilbur can go in a rage when he wants to. This is very dangerous if you are near him when he is in one.

Timmy was thinking about the adventure. “If I leave these guys would hate me! But if I stay I have a chance to die!” Timmy grumbled to himself. “What did you say Timmy?” asked Harold. “Nothing. Nothing at all.” replied Timmy “OK. Just for your information (FYI) we will always be here to help.” replied Harold, just saying that to comfort him because he did not want Timmy to leave. Timmy was lost. He somehow lost the path when he had to go to the bathroom. He was wandering through the shrubs and weeds when a voice called out to him saying “Hehehehehe. Lost the path?”. “ Ummmm…. Who’s there?” asked Timmy. “Someone you don’t want to face!” replied the voice. “Stop! Stop! Don’t scare me please.” replied Timmy. “Oh well here let me show you what my form looks like.” The voice said. The shrubs rustled as the thing came out. When he came out the shrubs started to burn. “Here now you know what I look like are you scared still Timmy?” Said the voice, the voice belonged to one of the most dreadful creature in the entire world that Timmy lived on. The voice was a Zoomzimaroo!! These were summoned when they were wanted to kill someone. “Ok. I am gonna try my best to defeat you.” replied Timmy. “Suit yourself!” replied the Zoomzimaroo. Zoomzimaroo’s work with fire and only fire. The Zoomzimaroo kept shooting fireballs at him until Harold jumped in and reflected one. It killed the Zoomzimaroo. “Wow thanks Harold!” exclaimed Timmy. “No problem. Just be more careful next time.” And so they went on with their adventure. The next stop was the Swamp of Trials.

Timmy was walking, he was lost again. He started to sink. Something was below him! “HELP ME HAROLD OR WILBUR PLEASE JUST SOMEONE HELP ME!!!!” Screeched Timmy. He never really got a chance to hear if anyone replied because he slipped down and fell under. Something was hooked on his foot. IT was dragging him towards the pitch black water. He tried to catch a glimpse of it but as he did it swam into the pitch black water. Wilbur was swimming to Timmy but Timmy was being pulled under and Timmy was fading. He was drowning. His eyes faded when he was pulled above water.

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