To Kill a Mockingbird Essay - Issues Which Are Still Relevent in Todays Society.
By: Kevin • Research Paper • 1,224 Words • February 18, 2010 • 1,419 Views
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�To Kill A Mockingbird’ by Harper Lee explores several different issues which are still relevant in today’s society. Harper Lee uses conventions within the novel to convey these ideas. The three main issues Lee explores are; Importance of Moral Education, Prejudice and Bravery and Courage.
Lee explores the theme of the Importance of Moral Education throughout the novel. This idea is still relevant in today’s society as we all face moral decisions which shape who we are. Harper Lee investigates this idea through the use of characterisation. Lee uses characterisation very effectively and particularly uses Atticus Finch and Calpurnia to portray this. Ever since Jem and Scout were at an early age Atticus would read to them and slowly over time they learnt how to read themselves. Whilst doing this, Atticus also attempted to raise his children with good values and morals mainly by leading by example and opening his children’s eyes to many taboo subjects such as racism. Atticus’ belief was that all human beings must be accepted and treated equally. One example from the text is in chapter nine when Scout realises Atticus wanted her to hear the conversation in the living room, "I never figured out how Atticus knew I was listening, and it was not until many years later that I realised he wanted me to hear every word he said."
To achieve this Atticus tries to be patient with Scout, which contrasts against Ms Carolines methods. Although Atticus disapproved with Ms Carolines methods he did not argue over it, simply thought of ways around the situation. This taught Scout to show respect towards people, and if she doesn’t agree with them it’s not her place to tell them so. Calpurnia is another example of characterisation used in the novel. After an incident involving Scout and Walter during school, Jem felt obliged to invite Walter home for dinner – seeing as he needed a healthy meal. At the dinner table Walter aggravated Scout with his eating habits causing Scout to breakout and use violent words aimed at Walter. Calpurnia called her to the kitchen and explained when people differ, she is not “called on to contradict �em”. Instead, she should aim to view scenarios from other people’s perspective. Harper Lee explores the Importance of Moral Education as it is still considered one of the most important factors in moulding who we are, our values and most importantly our morals. Both cases develop Scout’s moral education and taught her about racism and understanding. It shapes her to become a morally correct adolescent.
Lee explores the idea of Prejudice throughout the novel. Lee uses two conventions to help portray this; characterisation and symbolism. Lee uses characterisation to portray how the different social classes are noticeable within the community and how the lower class is looked down upon. Symbolism is used to show how the community of Maycomb dictates against one man because of his race and social status. Aunt Alexandra is a prime example; her attitude towards people is purely based on their social status and where they live. She considers herself to be higher up in the social class compared to others in Maycomb, therefore she refuses to communicate with the lower class – including Walter Cunningham. Aunt Alexander’s excuse when Scout asked why she doesn’t communicate with Mr. Cunningham was; “because-he-is-white-trash”.
Harper Lee also uses symbolism to explore the idea of prejudice. Tom Robinson is a symbol used in the novel to portray prejudism against blacks. He is charged for rape of a white girl from the Ewell family. Tom Robinson is clearly innocent; even with the help of Atticus he is still found guilty because the jury “can not” find a black man innocent over a white family. Atticus speaks to Jem about the Tom Robinson case and says; “I don’t know (how they could convict Tom Robinson), but they did it. They’ve done it before and they did it tonight and they’ll do it again and when they do it – seems that only children weep”. This refers to how white people have more authority than the blacks. Tom Robinson was the perfect example of how innocent people can be injured or destroyed through contact with evil. A great life lesson was learnt and racism could be eliminated if we all took heed of Scout’s simple but powerful quote towards the end of the novel “I think there’s just one kind of folks. Folks”.
Another example of symbolism is Arthur