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Years of Abortion

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Approximately 1.6 million murders are committed legally each year. With the exception of laws in few states, the mutilated bodies of the victims are thrown into dumpsters like pieces of rotten meat. While these victims lay waiting in the infested dumpsters to be hauled off to a landfill, the murderers are in their offices waiting for their next patient--the accomplice to the murder. This is the murder of an innocent child by a procedure known as abortion. Abortion stops the beating of an innocent child's heart. People must no longer ignore the scientific evidence that life begins at the moment of conception. People can no longer ignore the medical and emotional problems an abortion causes women. People must stop denying the facts about the procedure, and start hearing the silent screams of unborn children.

The argument by the pro-abortion side is that the unborn child is not truly a child. Many people who are pro-abortion justify their beliefs through the concept that a fetus is only a blob of tissue until it is born, or the statement: life begins at birth. Abortion is not as simple as removing a "blob of tissue" (as the pro-abortion activists put it) from a woman's body. Abortion is the destruction, dismembering and killing of a human life--an unborn baby. "But it is scientific and medical fact based on experimental evidence, that a fetus is a living, growing, thriving human being, directing his or her own development" (Fetal Development). A fetus is not just a blob of tissue; rather a fetus is Latin for "offspring or young one." Human life begins at fertilization; therefore it is wrong to murder the innocent child in the womb. At a US Senate Judiciary Subcommittee meeting, most scientists said that life begins at conception or implantation of the embryo. No scientist at the meeting claimed that life begins at birth (Factbot). Professor Hymie Gordon of the Mayo clinic stated "' . . . by all criteria of modern biology, life is present from the moment of conception'" (Fetal Development). In a 1963 Planned Parenthood pamphlet entitled 'Plan Your Children' it states "an abortion kills the life of a baby after it has begun. It is dangerous to your life and health" (Factbot). Even though abortion is dangerous to a woman's life, and it kills her baby, Planned Parenthood still offers it as a safe solution. This statement contradicts what most abortion clinics say. It is not possible for abortion to be offered to women as a safe solution, when it not only puts her life in danger, but it also kills her child.

Not only has science proven that a fetus is truly a human, the simple facts also confer abortion kills the life of a human being. Life begins at conception because of the fact that life in the womb does not change at birth. There are no special procedures or changes that occur during birth to magically change the fetus to a baby. It is already a baby--a human life. "'If a fertilized egg is not by itself a full human being it could not become one, because nothing is added to it,'" said Dr. Jerome Lejeune (Factbot). Most of all the development also takes place before one is born. Of the 45 generations of cell divisions before adulthood, 41 have taken place before a person is born (Factbot). Fertilization is just the beginning of a long process of growing and maturing. "Life in a continuum. From the moment the egg is fertilized a new life has begun. All of the genetic information is present to construct a unique individual. Gender, physical features, eye color have already been determined. The baby's heart begins beating regularly at 24 days. Babies in the womb hiccup, cry, play, and learn" (Factbot). Life continues from the day of fertilization until death. Nothing is added to a person during a lifetime. "'Conception confers life and makes that life one of a kind,'" said Dr Landrum Shettles father of in vitro fertilization (Factbot). Abortion is wrong because it ends the life of a human being. The day of conception marks the beginning of a new human life. "'The zygote is the first cell of a new human being,'" said Keith L. Moore. There is no way that the fetus is just a "blob of (Factbot) tissue." Scientific and medical facts prove that the fetus is living. They prove that the fetus is a person, a human, and functions separate from the mother. According to our law murder is wrong; therefore it is unlawful to kill an unborn child. The child in the womb deserves the right to life.

The fetus is a real human being and deserves all the rights and freedom given to people under the Constitution. This right is evident in the Fourteenth Amendment that states, "The State shall not deprive any person of life, liberty, property, without due process

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