Yellow Wallpaper
By: Kevin • Essay • 358 Words • December 30, 2009 • 920 Views
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Yellow Wallpaper
If there is one storydidn’t remember too much about it. I saw the story as one woman’s journey into madness however; I also saw it as more than madness. It made me very upset when not only her husband but also her brother, both physicians, shrugged her “sickness” for lack of a better word off as nothing because it was something they could not understand. I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that they are indeed men. I also think that part of her “madness” is due to the fact that she is kept in a room in which she detests the yellow wallpaper. In a way, I guess I see it as an almost claustrophobia. I used to suffer from claustrophobia and the one thing I noticed to be similar is that it is terribly easy to pick one part of the room and obsess about it. The yellow wallpaper was a symbol of her entrapment. However it is not only he physical entrapment but also a mental entrapment, she has an unbelieving husband (according to her) and she recently gave birth and she must be feeling some of the emotional strings connected