Battle of Bull Run
By: Bred • Essay • 1,017 Words • January 14, 2010 • 1,421 Views
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In Virginia the first battle of the Civil War was fought, near Manassas, Virginia railroad junction, after which the battle is called (or First Bull Run, named after the flowing stream on the battlefield, if of the Union point of view). The armies in this first battle were not prodigious by later Civil War principles. The Federal services under Brigadier General Irvin McDowell were well thought-out into four divisions, of about 30,000 men. These divisions were commanded by Tyler, Hunter, Heintzelman, and Miles. The Confederate command structure was to some extent more unmanageable, including two "armies", with no division structure and thirteen independent brigades under Bonham, Ewell, Jones, Longstreet, Cocke, Early, Holmes, Kershaw, Evans, Jackson, Bartow, Bee, Smith, and a cavalry brigade under Stuart. The Confederate Army of the Potomac was under the command of Brigadier General Pierre G. T. Beauregard, and the Army of the Shenandoah was controlled by Brigadier General Joseph E. Johnston. These two forces would be equivalent to McDowell's strength. The first battle of Bull Run (or first battle of Manassas) was the first major engagement of the Civil War. Federal troops led by General McDowell advanced towards Manassas Junction, where Confederate troops were dug in, overcrowding the road to Richmond. Both Confederate and Union troops were not prepared for battle. Union troops advanced on Confederate troops, practically breaking through, but at the last split second, Confederate reinforcements arrived on the battlefield and carried the day. Union troops were routed. As Washington filled with Union soldiers, the anxiety grew to take action. Horace Greely, the mercurial editor of the New York Herald Tribune kept up a persistent stream of editorials echoed throughout the Union " Forward to Richmond- Forward to Richmond.?
Army Chief of Staff Winfield Scott put forth a arrangement to beat the confederacy. He called for a inclusive barricade of South, followed by a forceful army to take hold of the Mississippi and New Orleans. Only after all this was accomplished he suggested launching a significant attack against the center of the Confederacy. He opposed any gradually actions. The demands for action however, could not be deprived of. General McDowell came up with a plan for a direct attack on Confederate troops massed at Manassas Junction on the road to Richmond. One of the keys to the plan called for keeping the 10,000 troops of Confederate General Johnson busy in the Shenandoah Valley, so that he could not reinforce Confederate troops in Manassas Junction commanded by General Beauregard.
General Patterson whose responsibility it was to keep General Johnson's troops occupied in the Shenandoah Valley failed in this objective, and General Johnson began transporting his troops to the South, by train- (the first use of rail in war).
On July 16 General McDowell got his army of 34,000 men in action from Washington towards the Confederate army. The distance to be covered 30 miles. The union officers had no experience handling such large armies, and the union soldiers had no experience at being soldiers and thus the march took much longer then it should have.
By the first evening advance elements of the army reached Fairfax courthouse. The few Confederate pickets there quickly retreated. On the 18th the first elements reached the hamlet of Centerville. A brigade was sent out from Centerville to reconnoiter the confederate lines, they found the confederates and lost 80 men. General McDowell brought up the balance of his forces.
McDowell had 34,000 troops ready to attack 25,000 Confederate forces spread out over eight miles on the other side of Bull Run. Most of the Confederate forces were clustered on