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History 161: Complex Societies in 3000 Bce

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 Cole Aidnik


History 161

Complex Societies in 3000 BCE

        There are many different explanations of why complex societies emerged around 3000 BCE. Some of the factors that are responsible for the development of these civilizations are the advances in writing, technology, and agriculture. Some of these societies were the Sumerians, ancient Egypt, and the Harrappans. There are also reasons for how these large groups of civilians can stay so structured and  coordinated. Each of the societies that bloomed in the early 3000 BCE have all had complex economic organization, political organization, and religious organization. A consistent existence of some sort of hierarchy was always present which held a social order over society. The establishment of a specific ruler who could make executive decisions was crucial for a strong civilization. Different kinds of grand architecture was mostly present in order to show off and demonstrate levels of power. Strong societies are in danger of being attacked, so the need for a formulated military was necessary to keep the people, territory, resources, and many others safe. Rivers and steady water supply was vital for farming. After studying the different characteristics of these rivers and seasons, farmers could comprehend when to farm, when to stock up on food for minor disasters, and when to grow certain distinct crops that can only be grown at certain times of the year. Over the years, other civilizations learned and adapted from each other which greatly affected the emergence of complex societies around 3000 BCE.

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