Salic Law
By: Bred • Essay • 466 Words • January 2, 2010 • 944 Views
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In Salic law, besides the fact that it constantly contradicts itself, it is intolerably evident that women have very low value in this society. For example in Tile III: Concerning the theft of cattle, "If any one steal a bull belonging to the king he shall be sentenced to 3600 denars, making 90 shillings," whereas in Title XIII:Rape committed
be freemen it is stated that the most you can pay for raping a women is 2500 denars, 63 shillings with an unproclaimed penalty. Although it does seem that a woman value increases when she is bearing children, but i assume trhis to be simply because the child is the air to the man, who is strongly implied in salic law to be the superior being. Good evidence of the societies stress on male dominance can be found in Title XXIV, where it states that for killing a boy under the age of ten is 600 shillings, whereas killing a barren women is only 200 shillings. Salic law also seems to have a hint of racism, especially toward Romans. As in the law under Title XLI, where it clearly implies that killing a Frank or barbarian under the salic lawis simply anathema, whereas if you were to kill a Roman, At worst youd pay the price of 3 of the kings cattle, or by a distorted Salic veiwpoint raping 3-4 women. In other words 6 Romans are equal to the worth of one Frank who is in relation with the king (which seems to elevate your status, probably due to the fuedal system). As shown throughout thoughts on salic law, I view Salic law as a moraly decreped and corruption system of governing, but