The Advantages of Farming over Hunting and Gathering (7 Gr.Lv.)
By: Mike • Essay • 271 Words • January 6, 2010 • 1,179 Views
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Even thought farming is harder than hunting and gathering, there are many advantages in farming. Farmers can produce more food then hunters and gatherers can gather. Farming lets people have a steady food supply all year long. Farmers usually have surplus, so they can have bigger families then the hunters and gatherers. Farmers don't have to travel like the hunters and gatherers; they have a settled life, they don't have to travel, and they take up less space. Farmers can live almost anyplace where the soil is fertilized. Farmers don't have to farm all day; they can work as something else (such as a craftsperson).
Farmers can produce a lot of food. They have a surplus so they can have a steady balance of food. Hunters and gatherers can't have a surplus so they don't always have a steady food supply all year.
Farmers can have many children because they have a surplus of food. Even if hunters and gatherers wanted to have many children they wouldn't