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The Age of Exploration

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The desire to explore the unknown has been a driving force in human history since the dawn of time. From the earliest documented accounts, ancient civilizations have explored the world around them. Early adventures were motivated by religious beliefs, a desire for conquest, the need for trade, and an unsatisfying hunger for gold. The great Age of Exploration, beginning in the late 1400s, was an important era in the discovery and development of lands yet unknown to the Europeans. During this period, Europe sought new sea routes to Asia in pursuit of economic gain, increased glory, and opportunities to spread Christianity. Although these were motivations for explorers, the impact from the discoveries resulted in significant changes and achievements that created possibilities and opened a window to a new world for all of Europe. If were not for the superpowers of Spain, Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands, the world as we know it would not exist.

Leading the way in the exploration of the world was the nation of Spain with a man named Christopher Columbus. Originally intending to find an eastwardly trade route to Asia, Columbus accidentally

discovered the Americas instead. When word of this "New World" reached Europe, it virtually started race between the Nations there to claim there own piece of it. Spain continued their exploration there and rapidly claimed many resources and lands, but one thing was hindering them. The native Populations of the New World were getting in their way. They soon initiated a campaign of systematic anhilation of the Natives. Conquistadors soon flocked from Spain to rid the world of these savages. Soon, Hernan Cortez had conquered Mexico and the Aztecs, while Francisco Pizarro conquered Peru and the Incans. The Spanish armory was far greater then that of the Indians, but these explorers had another weapon far more superior. The weapon they had was known as disease, which included the Small Pox and measles. Their prize for accomplishing their goal was the vast wealth of the societies and the large quantities of gold and silver that their lands held. They also acquired

slaves to work in the plantations and settlements they were starting. In the end, Spain had control over lands in Northern, Central, and Southern America, as well as the Philippines.

Parallel to Spain, Portugal began its exploration of the New World. With the support of Prince Henry "the Navigator", explorers set off for places like the west coast of Africa and then hopefully eastwardly towards Asia. They also encountered the Americas as well, They took the same stance as the Spanish towards the Natives and were very cruel to them. Unlike the Spanish though, Portugal focused more on agriculture than on conquest. They soon had many Sugar-cane plantations set up all over Northern South America. The Portuguese needed slaves to work these plantation, but instead of using the natives, they used blacks from Africa. Eventually, the triangular route they took to capture slaves and bring them to the New World became known as the Middle Passage. Although having initial success, the Portuguese empire soon experienced conflicts with the Netherlands and dropped back in the exploration race.

Other nations of Europe had other things in mind than silver and gold when exploring the Americas. England, for example, had religious reasons as well for exploring. Their first claim over seas was located in New Foundland, which was discovered by John Cabot. The English

got off to a bad start though with the failure to settle Jamestown, Virginia. It was not until the Voyage of the Pilgrims, who were seeking Religious Freedom, that a permanent settlement existed there in the name of England. The new settlers got along well with the natives and even had a great Thanksging" among each other. The Pilgrims brought with them their religion and the spread of Christianity among the natives soon followed. The English had much success after

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