By: Mikki • Essay • 396 Words • December 24, 2009 • 837 Views
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The characters in Z.Z. Packer’s story “Brownies,” are all distinct and unique in their very own way. Though some of the characters are round, others seem to have more flat characteristics that make them blend into the natural atmosphere in which the story takes place.
For example, the narrator in the story, “Snot,” tries to blend in while she is at the camp site. She states, “I wanted nothing more than to be through with it all: the bus ride, the troop, school-all of it” (Packer 358). With this statement, Snot, or Laurel as she is really named, lets the reader know that she tries wants to get away from the over dramatic girls of her Brownie troop. Also to be accepted by her fellow Girl Scouts. Even though she is the narrator, she can also be considered a flat character; the reader doesn’t learn a lot about her but we also learn to have compassion and empathy for her situation.
The reader is also able to see that the way the characters are treated affect the way they act overall. For example, Laurel says “It was the first time anyone had asked my opinion, though I knew they were just asking because they were afraid” (356). This shows the reader that our narrator is often overlooked and ignored. The one time someone asked for her thoughts on what was going on, she said very confidently “I say we go inside, just