Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
By: Jessica • Essay • 690 Words • January 30, 2010 • 1,343 Views
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Harry Potter
And the Half-Blood Prince
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince by J.K. Rowling is a fictional story about a young wizard, by the name of Harry Potter. The story takes place somewhere around London. This book is the sixth book of the Harry Potter series. In this book Harry Potter finds out that his enemy, Lord Voldomort, is back and he is trying to kill Harry. So the headmaster of Hogwarts, Harry’s school, tries to help Harry to defeat Voldomort. But Harry runs into some obstacles on the way.
The story starts out with Snape, one of Harry’s teachers, talking to his friends and saying that Lord Voldomort is back, and that they need to help him catch Harry. Then all of a sodden the story goes to the Dursley’s house, Harry’s aunt and uncle. Dumbledore, Harry’s headmaster at school, is trying to get the Dursleys to let Harry come to school for his sixth year. But they won’t let him go. So Dumbledore does some magic and gets them to let him go. After Harry and Dumbledore leave they go to a man named Horace Slughorn’s house to get him to teach at Hogwarts. Dumbledore and Harry talked Slughorn into teaching and they went on their way. On Harry’s first day at school he forgot his potions book for Mr. Slughorn’s class. So Slughorn gave him one of the used ones. Inside the book there was a name that read, the Half-Blood Prince. There were also writings on the inside that gave Harry hints on how to make some of the potions. When he used the hints his potion always turned out right.
Because of all the talk that Voldomort was back, Dumbledore gave Harry some private lessons to help him defeat Voldomort. In those lessons Dumbledore and Harry went back in time, into peoples memories. These memories told Harry things about Voldomort’s past, and how Harry could defeat him. Dumbledore and Harry figured out that Vodomort had created things called horcruxes. Horcruxes were a part of the person’s soul that made them. I meant that unless Voldomort’s horcruxes were destroyed he could never die. They learned that Voldomort had six of these horcruxes, and Harry had already destroyed on of them in one of the other book. So Dumbledore and Harry tried to figure out what the other horcruxes were. While all of this was taking place one of Harry’s enemies and classmate