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Toilet Training: Preparing Your Child

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Toilet Training:

Preparing Your Child


American Academy of Pediatrics. (2000). Bed-wetting: Causes of Bed-wetting. Retrieved April 6, 2005, from American Academy of Pediatrics via web site:

This article discusses bed-wetting and the possible causes of it in relation to toilet training. The American Academy of Pediatrics says that with normal toilet training, children learn to stay dry during the day. However, at night, they have little or no control over their bladder and urinate while sleeping. The article lists a few possible causes of bed-wetting, such as underdeveloped bladders, and the child not being able to recognize when the bladder is full. In order to fix the problem, the article suggests urine-detecting sensors which can be worn by children during the night, and encouraging the child to help the parent change the sheets, so they are more careful.

Boswell, S., & Grey, D. (n.d.). Applying Structured Teaching Principles to Toilet Training. Retrieved on April 6, 2005, from

This article deals with problems and feard a child may face while training and how to resolve them. For example, if the child is resisting sitting on the toilet, the parent should allow the child to sit on the toilet with its clothes on, and the parent can entertain the child or sing songs so the child can learn how long to stay on the toilet. Another problem mentioned in the article is the childs fear of flushing. To solve this, the author suggests the parent has the child stand at the door to watch, and come closer each time, or setting up a flushing cue-system, such as “ready, set, GO.” The article also deals with common problems faced by young boys such as aiming and playing in the water.


Brazelton, T. B., & Sparrow, J. D. (2004). Toilet Training: The Brazelton Way. Cambridge, MA: Da Capo Press.

In this book, the authors create a step by step manual on how to toilet train a young child while minimizing the amount of stress and anguish the child may experience. The book provides information on the child’s role in toilet training, signs as to when toilet training should begin, and covers basic problems such as bedwetting, fear, preschool pressure, and also provides simple solutions to each. Through pediatric studies with young children from infancy to the age of five, information is provided on what is normal and expected of the child and what to do as the child grows and learns more of his or her bowel movements.

Introduction to Toilet Training. (n.d.). Retrieved April 2, 2005, from http://www.toilet-training-

This article provides information on what an appropriate age for toilet training is and what signs the parents should look for in order to know if their child is ready. According to the article, doctors at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia found through survey research that the optimal age to begin toilet training is right before the child’s third birthday. The article states that for those children who began training at that time, training lasted from only 5 to 10 months. The article also provides information from the American Academy of Pediatrics on what signs to look for in your child as they approach training time. The article suggests that if the child can remain dry for more than 2 hours at a time, show interest in wearing adult underwear, and becomes uncomfortable with soiled diapers, that they may be ready for training.


Mandell, P. L., & Ostergard, M. (2004, October). Potty Power for Boys & Girls. School Library Journal, 50(10), 76. Retrieved April 3, 2005, from GALILEO Academic Search Premier database.

This article describes how no longer do parents have to sit in the bathroom with the child in order to get them motivated to use the potty, but instead can do something fun instead. Big Kids Video and Think-eroo have come up with a VHS or DVD video that enables kids to learn more about potty training. In the video, host Jessica and her animated friend T.P. sing songs such as “What Do You Like To Do While Sitting On The Potty?” in order to inspire children to want to train. Other sections of the DVD include question and answer segments for parents.

Parenting: Toilet Training. (n.d.). Retrieved April 1, 2005, from

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