A Glimps of Me
By: Kevin • Essay • 720 Words • February 8, 2010 • 1,142 Views
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I know very well that you're going to use this jumble of random facts and sentence fragments to judge me. That's fine, I understand. You're going to base your decision about adding me on many things; my pictures, my layout, my writing, and even the people who are already on my friend's list. People write things like "don't judge me, I'm not FILL IN BLANK." yet they're posting twenty bulletins a day proclaiming they're about to go on an "uglies deleting massacre". Writing things like "omfgzz don't add meeee unlessss ur hAwTT!1" and so forth. Judgment is apart of life. That's how it is. Whether we choose to believe it or not, we're constantly judging people. Whether it's by complimenting your outfit or laughing inside our heads about those outrageous eyebrows you draw on, we're judging. First impressions are important. It's the deciding factor in whether or not we wish to see what's beneath the surface. Some people are perfectly capable of seeing past first impressions, other's not so much. To each his own, right? Even if this isn't your first impression of me, I'm going to tell you what I know about myself. Some may think this isn't accurate, others might think I hit it right on the nail. It's all based on your first impressions of me. If this is it, I hope I make a good one. If you've met me before, I hope you're one of those people capable of seeing past the surface. If you're neither, I just hope you think about what I say. I hope at some point in this mess of statements you're able to say "wow, I never thought of it that way" or "wow, I wish I had written that first." That would be glorious. I'm just a girl. I'm a 25 year. I'm perfectly capable of accomplishing anything. I have given my heart away and have gotton it. I spend a great deal of time thinking. I also spend a lot of time writing, and hanging out with my family. I love my friends dearly. There's nothing better than just kicking it with the people you love laughing. I love to laugh. You will see me with a smile on my face about 10% of the time If you happen to see me in that 90% in which I'm not, I'm sorry, I certainly hope someday you will get to see me smile. I used to be a pistol but I'm trying to teach myself how to control my anger and not fly off the