American Obesity Epidemic
By: Wendy • Essay • 850 Words • January 7, 2010 • 1,051 Views
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Montana Brackett
Developmental Psychology
August 26, 2005
The Fat Plague
American Obesity Epidemic
In the 25 years prior to 2000, the percentage of obese people has increased from 14.4% in 1976 to 30.5% in 2000( This means that there are twice as many obese people in American than what there was 25 years ago. To be considered obese a person has to have a BMI (Body Mass Indicator) of 30 or above. Obesity is a problem caused by many different factors. Being an obese individual can put you at an increased chase at many other types of physical problems; along with these physical problems these individuals also deal with the numerous psychological problems that go along with being an obese individual. Obese people also deal with trying to lose weight on a number of different types of diets that are currently available. As America continues to grow in size we as Americans come to grow in waste size, but because this disease has reached over a third of America's population it has clearly became an epidemic.
Obesity is caused by a large number of different things. "Obesity tends to run in families, suggesting a genetic cause"(Understanding Adult Obesity). But since families normally eat the same type of foods it possible that bad eating habits have contributed to the fact that obesity tends to run in families. Also a lot of the people who are obese tend to eat lots of fast food, and normally have a tendency to not keep fit. Many types of illnesses such as Cushing's syndrome, depression, and hypothyroidism can factor into a person gaining weight (Understanding Adult Obesity). Most non-obese people think that people with a weight problem are normally just lazy, and that may be the cause of some people's obesity it is not always the cause. Obesity can be caused by a great number of different factors.
Obese people are at a larger risk to develop other types of physical diseases because of the extra weight that they carry with them. Over 280,000 deaths in America each year have some relation to obesity. Many different medical conditions have been associated with obesity including stokes, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure (Understanding Adult Obesity). The average age of the American male to die of heart disease is 73, but Jim Cantalupo, CEO of McDonald's, Burt Baskin, cofounder of Baskin-Robbins, and George Mallory, owner of the original Burger King all died of heart disease at or before the age of 60(Men's Health). Maybe this was a coincidence that all these men died early, but obviously this should show how important are diets should be.
Along with the obvious physical problems obese people face daily many of their largest problems are psychological and social. Because America emphasizes physical appearance and often equates attractiveness with slimness this causes an obese people to feel worse about themselves (Understanding Adult Obesity). Along with feeling ugly many times people with a weight problem are not given jobs they deserve simply because they are overweight. Many obese children a picked