By: regina • Study Guide • 271 Words • February 13, 2010 • 1,001 Views
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Creative Writing (En3:1a, 1b, 1c, 1d, 9a & 10)
Write an entry in Sophie's dairy describing what she found out about the BFG.
Create a dream recipe listing the ingredients and mixing instructions. The dream could be a "Golden Phizzwizard" or "Trogglehumper." When all the recipes are finished, they could be collated into a dream recipe cookbook.
Make up your own acronyms to describe the other giants.
Write an imaginary letter to the Queen explaining why she shouldn't be afraid of the BFG.
Write and illustrate a cartoon strip using dialogue from the story.
End activity where children write an acrostic poem about the tale.
Cross-curriculum links
Maths: Compare children's height with the BFG.
Design Technology and Science: Create a label for a bottle of Frobscottle. Children mix food colouring and cream soda to make Frobscottle. The smell from the reaction is similar to Dahl's description.
Drama (En1: 4a, b, c, d; En3: 9a)
ICT: Write and produce an advert for Frobscottle or Snozzcumbers.