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Community Policing Research Quilitative and Qualitative

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Community Policing

Mississippi Valley State University

Tyrina Starlin


According to an unpublished manuscript of (Starlin 2014) Law and order has a history starting with our fore father by signing the Declaration of Independence into the signing law the peace treaty. There has been and probably always will be problem with maintain peace in American but researchers are trying to find peace within our communities. In 1967, U.S. President Johnson’s Commission on Law Enforcement and the Administration of Justice released a report that addressed a number of fundamental questions related to crime and society. The commission looked at the state of police-community relations in the United States and found a wide range of perceptions among community residents regarding the police ( In surveys, community members were asked whether the police were honest or corrupt and whether the police did a good or poor job in delivering police services. Not surprisingly, responses differed depending on the race of the survey respondents. Favorable views of the police were more likely among white respondents, and unfavorable views of the police were more likely among black respondents ( Americans are repeatedly known for the use of planners, or even electronic devices no matter the circumstance of the situation. When the era of policing surfaced, it was structure to resemble Military form. The level of Military such as the ranks and experience was the same. The Policing Era gave it trials and tribulations, but unfortunately on this sad for Americans, slipping through the crack, 9/11 occurred. Uncouthly America policy of policing was force to upgrade their skills and advances. American’s went through trial and error to figure out this disaster. Law enforcement has long been aware that where a concentration of crime exists crashes often tend to concentrate as well. To date no research adequately explains this phenomenon, resulting in a dramatic change of policing style including: traditional, community and data-driven. (Starlin, 2014)

Literature review

Traditional policing emphasizes the role of partnerships and sharing of information with other law enforcement agencies such as the state, local, and federal level. The police department is an organization that responds to criminal activities after they have occurred. Therefore, the are structured to handle routine patrol, can response to calls for service in a rapid manner, can make arrests, and follow-up with an investigation. The core of most police department is traditional. However, community policing is slightly different from traditional policing it has a different perspective but is not at odds with the traditional way of policing. It is slightly modifications and changes in perspective regarding traditional policing activities can make a significant contribution toward advancing the community policing philosophy and thereby increase the capacity of police agencies to deliver fair, effective, and efficient police services. (Starlin, 2014). For example: Traditional policing mainly reactive when called or when they notice a crime in process. Which basically means they patrol the streets during their shift and react to what crimes and/or infractions are being committed. Of course, they respond to dispatch calls of crimes in progress. Although there has been changes in the traditional policing the police still have the power and the background to handle the communities needed.

Research design

The research design for this paper was technological by using article from the internet site which had done surveys by collecting data from various communities.  Community policing, undoubtedly promotes organizational strategies that support the systematic use of partnership techniques to proactively address the immediate conditions. The Angelo –Saxon tithing system establishing the principle collective responsibility for maintaining local law and order. (Starlin 2014.) Community policing solicit the help of the community by advocating for a broader flow information between law enforcement agencies and the community regarding potentially effective solutions to crime and disorder problems. Community policing is also concerned with solving the crimes that the community is within the community and by working with citizens to address their concerns and gaining support from the community. The community has a variety of ways by which the address these concern of the community which includes polls or surveys, town meetings, call-in programs, and meeting with interest groups. With community policing patrol officers are assign to a specific geographic location for extended periods of time to become familiarity and develop a relationship with the community. With community policing all members of the community become active in the effort to ensure the safety and quality of life in the neighborhoods. Community policing has other function such as expanded outlook on crime control and crime prevention, the new emphasis on making community members active participants in the process of problem solving, and the patrol officers’ pivotal role in community policing require profound changes within the police organization (Starlin, 2014). For example: The neighborhood patrol officer, is backed by the police department which helps community members mobilize support and resources to solve problems and enhance their quality of life. Also with community policing the members of the community has a voice in the concerns of the community and can contribute advice, and take action to address these concerns if needed.

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