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Millions of people around the world use computers and the internet everyday. We all use it in school, work even at home, computers have made us life easier, it has brought so many benefits to society but it has also brought some problems, cybercrimes is one of them. The internet could be considered a type of community of computer networks, therefore we could consider it a society. Like in every society, in the internet there is commerce, education, entertainment, and of course there is crime, cybercrime. Real life society has police and laws to regulate people actions, unfortunately right now the internet is missing this type of control. Governments around the world need to work together to find a solution to this problem. The solution is in the creation and implementation of international laws that deal specifically with cybercrimes.

To be able to understand cybercrimes we need to know where it all started, it all started with the birth of the internet. The internet is a computer-based global information system composed of many interconnected computer networks (Beekman, 1999). Internet works through a system of switching from computer to computer packets of information. Packet switching began in the 1960s in the United States when the Department of Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) funded a research project that created a packet switching network known as the ARPANET. ARPA also created networks that worked through satellites. By 1970 ARPA had a problem, the networks it had created where incompatible, so they focused on investigating ways to intercommunicate their networks. The solution to the problem came with the creation of a protocol that every network could understand the TCP/IP protocol, and the internet started. In the early 1980 a group of academic computer scientists formed the Computer Science NETwork, which used TCP/IP protocols, also government agencies started to link their networks using the TCP/IP protocol. Later in the 1980s large commercial companies began to use TCP/IP to build private internets and ARPA investigated transmission of multimedia across the Internet. Little by little new technologies such as hypertext, helped create the World Wide Web. Initially the WWW was created to communicate physicists around the world. Also during the late 1980s the government of the United Stated began to take away the restrictions of who could use the Internet, and commercialization of the Internet began. In the 1990s without the restrictions the internet began to be used by everybody. Now the internet is used by universities, companies, schools, government agencies, families and individual users (Encarta, 2001).

Cybercrimes are committed by using computers, so they could be considered computer crimes. Computer crimes started in the 1960s with the introduction of computers into businesses and government agencies. Through the years computers and computer crimes have evolved, now most of computer crimes are done through the internet (Godwin, 1995). Right now it is estimated that $100 billion dollars is lost annually because of cybercrimes and 97% of the offenses go undetected (Gebhardt, 2001). Cybercrimes will continue to evolve becoming more and more dangerous.

Right now there are different types of cybercrimes, the most important and dangerous are the following. Computer network break-ins, this type of crime is performed by hackers that break into computer systems to steal data or plant viruses, this type of crime has been made illegal by the U.S. federal government but its detection is difficult; Industrial espionage, this occurs when a corporation hires a hacker to obtain information about another corporation; Software piracy, this the illegal copying and distribution of software, this copies of software work as well as the originals but are much cheaper because it is very simple to create this copies; Mail bombings, this type of crime consist in ordering the computer to repeatedly send electronic mail to a specified person's email address to saturate the recipients personal account and by this way be able to shut down entire systems; Password sniffers, this are programs that monitor and record user names and passwords of network users, when the cybercriminal obtains this information he can perform malicious activities in the network as well as be able to obtain valuable information; Credit card fraud, cybercriminals access large databases of credit card information (Digital Century, on-line). As we can see there are many types of cybercrimes and all of this crimes need solutions and there is a need to control all this crimes.

The persons that commit this crimes are very often computer expertise, and are considered either hackers or crackers (Alexander, Encyclopedia Britannica, p. 185). A hacker somebody who uses computer expertise to be able to gain unauthorized access to a computer system to

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