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By:   •  Essay  •  2,420 Words  •  January 11, 2010  •  891 Views

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This is the story....

It was that dream again. The same dream that keeps waking me up every night. Except this time it felt way to real. Running from somthing that can't be seen, but as it gets closer wings fly out of my back, and I am shot into the sky by an unequaled force of lift. Then without looking back I fly towards a dark cloud off in the distance. But when I finnaly get to the cloud it is like a whole new world. A dead world, With dark red skies hovering high above the dead and barren tree tops. The only color that you can see within this dead wastland is a bright red trail of blood leading off into a dead forest. So curiously I follow the red trail. Maybe I could find the one who the blood belongs to. Even if they are injured the might be able to tell me how to get out of here. So following the trail I find myself in a spot deep within the forest. A spot that is shaded from the redish light above. Shaded by hundreds and thousands of dead and eerie branches projected from the barren trees. As I squint my eyes to look for the trail of blood, I notice that it is gone. Then looking up I hear a twig snap behind me. At this point my whole body trembles with fear and adreneline. As I reluctently turn around to see what has caused the attention grabbing snap, A dark figure flies out from the cover of the barren trees with an ear shattering cry!!!. Right as it reaches me I wake up, drenched with sweat and to terrified to move.

Just like this very moment as I lay here shivering yet drenched in sweat. Trying to move yet paralized by fear, I have no luck. While laying here I think to myself "Why do I keep having this dream? Does it mean somthing?" "or am I just going insane?!" Whatever the answer I just wish that it would all just stop!!!' I feel like such a baby laying here afraid of a dream. "Yeah!" I thought " a dream and nothing more!" Hours later I reluctently drift off into subconciousness, just to be woken up an hour later by the piercing sound of my alarmclock.

With the morning sun shining through the window I squint my dark eyes trying to get used to the light. Then looking around the room i saw that my books were knocked over most likely by my cat. "Damn cat" I murmured to myself as I sit up. I noticed that my alarmclock was flashing, thus meaning that the power must have gone out sometime during the night after the dream. "What time was it now?" I asked myself. About that time my cell phone went off!"Who the hell?" the number was blocked. But still I answered it. "hello?" I mumbled. "hey your late!" the voice said. It was Rivu! "SHIT!!!" I snapped as I sprung up. "What time is it?" "about 9:30" he replied impatiently. "ok fine i'll be there in an hour" I said as I got out of bed. "ok see you then." "alright bye" I then pressed the button and set down the phone. I stretched and started to walk out of my room. When I got to the doorway I noticed that my door had been opened, and since my brother was still in his bed it couldn't have been him. Someone must have opened it while I was asleep. "but who" I asked myself. When I arrive in the front room my mom starts yelling at me to keep my door open. "It's my fucking door!!!" I yelled at her. "And this is my fucking house!" She yelled back. "and if you don't like it, get the hell out!" "Fine!, I'd be glad to" upon yelling that I ran into my room to grab some stuff that I would need. First thing I threw on was some old pants, and grab the first shirt I could find. Which happened to be my nice black button up shirt. While gathering my cell phone, lighter, almost empty package of cigerettes, wallet, and a few other articles of clothing, I realize that I have no place to go. But being that pissed I didn't really care that much, I just wanted out of the house and this was my chance. So I grabbed my bag and walked out to the front room once more. Setting down my bag I grabbed, my trench coat. "Where will you even go?" my mom sneared at me. "Wherever the fuck I want." I sneared back. I then grabbed my bag and walked out the door.

"Where will I go" I thought to myself. "Who is gonna take me in? Well for now I might as well go and see Rivu." So discarding my worries for the moment I start heading into town where we planned to meet a couple days earlier.

When I got to the highway I could hear the rumbleing of car engines. With the sight of the cracked highway filling my eyes and the wind flowing through my light colored hair I started walk towards the creek that flowed through the center of town.

I wasn't a big town, it had a population

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