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Discerning Content in Paragraphs

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Bruce Campbell’s signature epic overacting style is perhaps best represented in Sam Raimi’s masterpiece Evil Dead 3: Army of Darkness. In the true spirit of daydreaming fantasy, a lowly department store plebeian is sucked through a temporal rift and hurled into a 13th century wasteland where he transcends his humble nature and becomes a reluctant if not unlikely hero, and savior of the entire world from certain destruction. Apparent therein are particularly romantic notions that whatever doldrums modern day society have swept you to, it bears nothing on what your true potential may be given alternative circumstances. In the end, when transported back, his ridiculous tale of self indulgent fantasy and masculine ego fulfilling venture is in scrutiny and disbelief, yet what he gains internally is the notion that in a sense, he knows his potential and is content with his rather mundane repertoire. His catharsis is best summarized in his closing lines “I guess in my own way, I am king.” - (Campbell, 1992). To emphasize the scope of his statement he grasps his fellow female employee in cinematic embrace quoting “Hail to the king, baby” - (Campbell, 1992) in perhaps the way only he can pull off.

Scoring in at a 7.5/10, a rather generous rating as far as IMDB goes, critics of the film clearly sought past the comedy layer of the film (which was indeed quite entertaining) down to the meaty essence of the metaphorical implications. The main details, plot summary and movie description are the three main mediums which the site catalogues and compares films. The question at hand for the sense of this exercise is to identify which of them is the one that can be best compared to the main idea of a paragraph.

According to the text, (McWhorter, Kathleen T. College Reading & Study Skills. New York. Pearson Longman, 2007.) the main idea is defined as: “what the author wants you to know about the topic. The main idea is usually directly stated by the writer in one or more sentences within the paragraph.” - (McWhorter, 2007). In

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