Gun Control in Society
By: Mike • Essay • 865 Words • January 23, 2010 • 1,173 Views
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Gun Control in Society
When you think of guns, you think they are associated with death and violence. Gun producers try to target and influence every day Americans like you and me to purchase guns. They try to make it seem like our society is unsafe so if we buy guns, we will have protection. We would not have to worry about someone else saving us, and we can get the job done ourselves. After reading several stories on gun control and watching Michael Moore's "Bowling for Columbine," it is clearly shown that the U.S. needs to regulate on their gun control laws. With high amounts of expose towards guns in the media we do not take safety precautions seriously. We see how the media portray guns as a joke, for instance we see episodes of South Park where the protagonist pulls out a 9mm and shoots everyone. But how do we take it? We laugh and we think that it is hilarious. The media should tell us not to play with guns because of how dangerous they can be. In some states they think it is necessary to own guns, but on the United States you should not be able to own a gun because it increases the amount of problems and carelessness brought up in society.
Although some may feel that guns are used for protection, high amounts of fatal accidents can occur. Manuel Sesmas, a thirty year old father, heard noises in the middle of the night months after being a victim in a burglary. His first instinct was to grab a gun for protection, as he shot the shadow of what was thought to be the burglars. "The shadow turned out to be that of his son, Victor Manuel Sesmas, just days away from his
fourth birthday" (263). If Sesmas did no town a gun his first instinct would have been to call the police. Once the police arrived, everyone would see it was a big misunderstanding. His son would have not been shot by his own father if there was no presence of a gun and this accident would have never taken place. If he really wanted protection he could have used a knife or pepper spray. Something less lethal, could be more smart. In Michigan, a hunter thought it would be funny to dress his dog as a hunter to take pictures. He thought it would be lucid to add a gun on the dog's back. Something happened that startled the dog, which moved the gun resulting it to fire. The bullet hit the hunter in the leg. If the hunter did not have a gun in the first place, this accident would never have happened and the hunter could have taken a good picture of his dog.
Even though today neighborhoods may consist of people having guns with out your acknowlegemnt, how safe would feel if you knew anyone can carry guns. If everyone was allowed to carry guns the neighborhood would be a dangerous place to live. Imagine living in Virginia where enforced is a law requiring all residents to own a gun. Once one person