Jesse Journal
By: Tasha • Essay • 614 Words • February 27, 2010 • 998 Views
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Jesse’s Journal
I think I have told you all how much I LOVE car rides. I LOVE to get in the back seat and just GO! That Woman Who Gives Me Cheese takes me to my Granny and Pop-Pops’s house a lot, but there are a lot of times that the whole family gets in the car and leaves me alone. I DO NOT LIKE THIS! I just know that everyone is off somewhere having fun, and I am left here in this lonely house, just looking out the window, all by myself. Guess what though? I have figured out a trick to getting on car rides! See, I wait until that Woman Who Gives Me Cheese is busy loading that van. Those Three Kids That Fight Over the Front Seat are always leaving the garage door open, and then they usually leave the van door open too. (Mostly because they are arguing about something called “shotgun” – whatever that is!) That is when I make my move. I just run really fast and jump in, and then I move all the way to the backseat so they can’t reach me. Those Three Kids That Fight Over the Front Seat always stop their fussing, and then they tell me how cute I am, and so I get to GO ON A CAR RIDE. Sometimes That Woman That Gives Me Cheese decides that I can’t go, and that is when I get my cheese. That is how she gets me out of the van. Even though I like the cheese, I am always still really, really sad because I am left out. My newest car ride trick works on my Granny and Pop-pops. (They are much slower and easier to fool – grandparents always are!) I stand in the doorway while they are loading the car, and the minute they open a car door I bolt out into the driveway and jump into the backseat. They are both what I think you call pushovers, and they don’t make me get out. My granny always feels sorry for me and then lets me ride home