Management Planning and Ethics
By: Tasha • Essay • 1,067 Words • March 4, 2010 • 1,039 Views
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Management Planning and Ethics
At MTCo engineering challenges are often complicated by public concerns, sensitive political issues, and questions that lie outside the scope of traditional engineering. They broaden their view to encompass the people and processes that determine ultimate success. Through clear and open communication, we bring all parties together, determine the best course, and deliver projects on time, under budget, and to our client's wholehearted satisfaction. MTCo has been around sense 1927; this is a growing company with 7 offices in northern California and about 200 employees'. MTCo serve Northern and Central California from the firm's San Jose headquarters and through branch offices in Alameda, Contra Costa, Monterey, Sacramento, San Mateo and Santa Clara counties everyone who works for MTCo pretty much knows what is happening with the company. Each week there is a meeting with the office manager and all the employee's all current projects are discussed and is figured out where help may be needed from the various engineers and or office staff. MTCo has a monthly meetings at this meetings it discussed how the company is doing, ranging from how profitable the company is, how much debt is being carried and it is discussed about changes being made within the company or benefits. The President of the company truly believes in the motto that this is an employee owned company and runs the company that way. Management works very closely with all employees within the branch but also with other offices located in other cities.
Most employees don't give company assets a second thought until someone has abused the company car, credit card or abused any type of company property. At MTCo, when an employee is given a company car, a credit card or an expense account they most sign a form that HR provides stating they will not abuse these privileges. If they do abuse these privileges, it is grounds for termination and they well are regard to pay the monetary damages back. Employees must understand that ethical behavior is demonstrated in not only in how they act toward others but also in how they treat property that doesn't belong to them. The key to success is understanding who owns what and what boundaries exist for its use. Something we are taught as children is "treat other people's property as if it were your own." Why doesn't this lesson seem to transfer to the company's property where we work? Damaging company property or stealing from the company is grounds for termination and there are no second chances you are just terminated. This can cause legal issues for the company if they do not have substantial prove, other legal issues within the company can include breaking contracts with clients or clients breaking contracts with MTCo. Contracts are signed on a weekly basis and these contracts are worth millions of dollars and some of these contracts are broken by the client. There could be a few reasons why a contract is broken by the client; they could have run out of money, or they could be having financials issues or even legal issues. The company works with the state of California, with the different cities they want us to work with them, and they also work with Cal Trans. There budgets depend on what taxpayers have approved and if a contract goes over that budget, then a contract is put on hold or they will try to legally try to break the contract they have signed with MTCo. They could refuse to pay the company and if they chose to do this and there is no legal reason as to why they refuse to pay; then the company can and will sue. Time and money is then spent preparing for a lawsuit and employees are taken of current projects