By: Top • Study Guide • 580 Words • January 16, 2010 • 736 Views
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My life is very difficult to explain but I am going to tell it to you easy. I was born March 27th 1991. I was like a basketball when I was born so my mom says. I was also a very bad and spoiled child for I was very jealous of my sister getting all the attention. I used to run around screaming just so I could get all eyes on me and not on my sisters. When I was little I used to be scared of clowns and hide under tables and any thing I find to get away from them, (I think I lost a lot of friends that way).
I went to Parkwood Elementary School and made honor roll every year except for one report card in second grade when I got a c and about had a heart attack! At that school is where I met one of my best friends Max Bright. We did everything together but he was a boy and I was a girl and by 5th grade it got kind of weird and he didn't talk to me at school and still doesn't at school but we all ways do things together outside of school. Also I played soccer and I started playing when I was little and I saw my cousin playing it and I always wanted to do everything he did so when I was 5 I started playing soccer. Then later I became a goalie when my cosion became one.
Now in middle school I kept my grades up and in 7th grades I started to play all the sports that I could do. Now I have never been a very girly girl and have always been very athletic. I am very good at sports and start in every sport I play. This year I am an A student and play all the sports again and start in all of them. I love exercising because it keeps me fit for soccer and I just enjoy it. Which probably sounds kind of weird I