Outsourcing Bs
By: Wendy • Essay • 419 Words • January 15, 2010 • 1,016 Views
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In this country, the United States of America, money is usually the sole reason for doing something. The truth is that the United States is run on money. Some companies will go to great lengths to pinch a few pennies, that is why some companies decided to outsource jobs to foreign countries such as China and Indonesia. This outsourcing of jobs has caused the American job market to become increasingly more competitive, due to the lack of available openings. Outsourcing jobs to foreign countries has caused the American economy to fall.
When it comes to jobs, almost no job is safe from being moved overseas. Everything from toys, to automotive parts, to pencils, has been seen with "made in China" stamped on it. Although it makes the products cheaper at first, overtime people start to make less money because it's being paid to foreign workers. When people have less money, even cheaper items seem to cost more, so that an item that previously was no problem to fit within a budget, now breaks that same budget. Another thing that happens with outsourcing is that when one company goes overseas, it makes their products cheaper, because of that that same companies competitors are pressured to move overseas to become competitive again. This becomes a vicious cycle that causes more Americans to lose their jobs to foreign workers. In the very long run, the only thing left for workers to