Prejudice in All Forms
By: Fonta • Essay • 725 Words • February 27, 2010 • 1,102 Views
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Yes, insanity is relative much in the way that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Point being: none. To each his own. One man's demise may be another's saving grace. Who is anyone to judge when we are all too different to truly feel 100% the same way as anyone else? With this outlook, disregarding hurtful judgments becomes a much easier thing to do.
What's so wrong with wanting to coexist peacefully with everyone in your world? What's wrong with wishing that despite their lack of understanding and approval, they could at least learn acceptance and let you to your business? I don't think it's wrong at all to want to be tolerated by others for any reason.
In the end, we're all the same with our tainted souls and ulterior motives. Everyone fears, everyone desires, everyone hurts, everyone bleeds just the same as anyone else so what is it that segregates us all to the point of violence and hatred?? These displays of prejudice of all forms further proves my belief that people in general are pretty much petty and close minded.
Just because your mind is too closed to see outside of the little box that confines your soul, you put others down for simply being different. Does it make you feel superior putting others down? Does it make you feel better about yourself that you focused the attention off of your small mind to someone else's so called flaws which in reality, are mere differences?
Diversity is key. Forget this racial purity crap. That kind of segregated breeding is defiant to everything that the act of reproduction represents. Just because they are of different race or religion should not make their affections any less valid than someone of the same. Variety is the spice of life.
The more we unite against the odds that this world has placed against such a harmonious existence, the more of a balance we can achieve. The less your children will have to worry about getting shot at school for being a little bit different. Hate crimes will slowly diminish. If everyone married out of race, within a few generations, racism would be pointless because everyone would be so multi racial that we can form one race.
I'm speaking exclusively of America. It's the melting pot of the world, yet all that we are melting is tolerance and all we are mixing in is hatred and prejudice in all forms of the word.
Everyone should be able to freely practice their customary cultural activities without being condemned for falling outside of the majority. It's not fair and we need to teach our children