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Pursuit of Happiness

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America, the land of the free, where some are held captive in their own little world, and others enjoy every ounce of life. In many ways, every country has been influenced by American culture, and we have broadened the horizons of many countries. At the same time the United States has learned much from other countries such as the importance of family. Throughout The God of Small Things, the characters in the story are influenced by the United States through many things like Elvis Presley, The Sound of Music, Phil Donahue, and Coca Cola.

Elvis Presley was a singer, musician, actor, and an icon. "The ladies loved him, and the men wanted to be like him." A famous line often from the time he was alive, and it is often called a cliche today. He was better known as "The King" or Elvis "The Pelvis" because of the dances he performed on stage. As referenced in the story, Elvis was famous for his hair style and beige pointy shoes. Elvis was an important figure in the American culture because he paved the way for musicians all over the United States. His records went global, allowing people from all over the world to hear his music. Elvis Presley spawned Rock and Roll interest not only here, but all over the world. Estha was a big fan, he was often made fun of about impersonating Elvis because he too, had slick black hair, wore pointed shoes, and carried a comb to fix his classical front cur, which was also called a puff. "Estha, little ambassador, Elvis Pelvis," says Baby Kochamma as she makes fun of Estha for looking like Elvis. Each piercing description Roy gives punctures Estha's spirit. "When they fought, Estha called Rahel a Refugee Stick Insect. Rahel called him Elvis the Pelvis and did a twisty, funny kind of dance that infuriated Estha." This quote starts out with Estha making fun of Rahel, but ends with a serious blow to Estha's soul given by Rahel. Roy uses allusion and imagery to allow her readers to understand the relationship between Rahel and Estha. The pure twin bond that holds them together and makes them one. Only through imagery can the reader attain the front seat action he or she yearns for. The countless references to Elvis in the book represent the americanization of the characters in the story. The author deliniates her references through descriptive language and precise adjectives. She uses "slick black" to describe and compare Estha's hair. Ultimately, Elvis Presley has tremendiously influenced the mannerism and appearance of the characters throughout The God of Small Things.

The Sound of Music was a popular American musical, which originated in November 1959, and was based on the book The Story of the Trapp Family Singers writtin by Maria Augusta von Trapp. Although she was not american the musical was American based. Everyone who was anyone knew about the world-wide musical.

"Oh come on, the whole world goes to see The Sound of Music. It's a World Hit," said Ammu. "Nevertheless, my dear, Chacko said in his Reading Alound voice, Never. The. Less." Mammachi always loved to tell the story of how one of the dons stated that Chacko was brillaint, in his opionion, which reassured the importance of the musical.

When Estha's childish ways take over, Roy shows the families familiarity with The Sound of Music. Estha and Rahel, the two of them singing along as Ammu watched attentively, waiting for the parts the kids knew for her own satisfaction. What brings a Broadway musical to India? The reference to this musical signifies how in tune India is with the American culture.

Phil Donahue is an American media personality and writer, known for the Phil Donahue Show. The Phil Donahue Show usually

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