Simple Wedding Story
By: Andrew • Essay • 367 Words • December 30, 2009 • 840 Views
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I had just gotten hired by the New York City Fire Department, I was working the morning shift when a call when out for a fire in a taxpayer with possible people trapped. Since I was on the ladder company our primary job was to find the possible trapped victims. We got on the road and immediately could smell the smoke, then dispatch came over radio and said police are on location reporting a 10-75,which is a working fire, and could see visible people trapped. Captain Merk yelled to the back "prepare to go in." We arrived on scene and we could here people yelling about someone trapped on the 2nd floor. My partner and I entered structure through
the back and proceeded up the stairs. We made our way through
the hallway checking every door we came upon. We got to the end of the hallway and could hear someone screaming and coughing from the last door on the left hand side. We made our way into the room and my partner and I started searching for the victim. Over the radio we could hear the battalion chief calling for the 2nd alarm; the fire was getting worse. We kept searching our area but couldn't hear the