Student Test and Answer Key (geography Study Guide)
By: Yan • Research Paper • 1,318 Words • February 2, 2010 • 1,182 Views
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Geography Chapter Test
Chapters 8-10
Name:_________________ Date:__________________
Definitions: Define the following words (20 points)
1. Spreadsheet
2. Stacked Bar Graph
3. Web Pages
4. Bias
5. WWW
6. Internet
7. Search Engine
8. Google
9. Hit
10. Proportional Area Graph
True or False: Place true or false in the space provided beneath each question. If the answer is false make the correction. (7 points)
1. The success of your search is directly dependent on the specific search terms that you choose.
2. Graphs can be used to helping us to see interactions and patterns.
3. A scatter graph is like a pie graph in that there is an independent variable that goes on the horizontal axis and a dependent variable that goes on the vertical axis.
4. The purpose of a graph is to provide a visual implication that makes the information on the graph easier to read.
Fill in the Blanks: Place the correct word on each blank. Each blank space is a point. (14 points)
1. A ____________ _____________ shows values that are part of a whole.
2. _____________ ____________ ____________ are often combined with ______________ _______________to not only show the amount, but also the amount is divided.
3. The _____________ problem in using the ____________ ____________ _____________ is finding the _____________ __________ that you want among the _____________ that exist.
Knowledge and Understanding: Answer the following questions in essay form. Spelling and grammar will be taken into consideration.
1. Explain Bias in graphing to the best of your ability. (10 points)
2. When was the internet created and what was it's purpose?(6 points)
3. What is the expanded meaning of literacy? (5 points)
Thinking and Inquiry: Draw an example of each graph you learned about in Chapter eight of your text book (excluding spreadsheets). Then name one fact about each type of graph. (20 points)
Descramble these words that you read in your geography text book. (20 points)
1. rschae retsm
2. olegog
3. tsdeil
4. cnhqsuteei
5. rngmaeetner fo taad
6. tsreor-
7. uititesnaq
8. larmunaelc
9. mnmuniooite
10. gcihpgeoro
Geography Chapter Test
Chapters 8-10
Name:_________________ Date:__________________
Definitions: Define the following words (20 points)
1. Spreadsheet-is a computer program designed particularly to manipulate numerical information.
2. Stacked Bar Graph-very much like a bar graph, with one importance difference: while each bar in a bar graph represents one value, a stacked bar graph can be used to represent several closely related values.
3. Web Pages-documents that are accessible through the