Teen Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
By: Kevin • Research Paper • 1,438 Words • March 2, 2010 • 1,136 Views
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Teen Pregnancy and Sexually Transmitted Diseases
Teenage sexual activity is under looked by many people in today's society. Sexual activity at a young age is bad because many teenagers are unaware of the results that may occur. Results that could are the transfer of sexually transmitted diseases such as herpes, gonorrhea, AIDS, and Chlamydia. These results can affect the lives of people in great ways. These are mainly transmitted through teenagers because they are simply unaware of the correct way to engage in sexual activity in a safe way.
When I have children, I will be sure to educate them on the idea of teenage sex. I will be sure to make them understand the possible consequences that may occur. There are many ways that teenage sexual activity can be brought about. For example, the easy access of pornography on the television and computer can easily promote sex to young children. A way to prevent this is to activate parental controls which restrict these areas. This acts as a block or wall that does not allow these websites or channels to be breached. Also, the promotions of rated R movies that include sexual scenes also create a sense of interest towards sexual activity.
Throughout the past 50 years, sexual values have changed greatly. With the invention of the computers and televisions being obvious promoters of sex, the change in the way it is dealt with by parents and teachers are also a reason for this. I understand that schools and parents do try hard to educate their children on sex but it the way times have changed as well. In the past, the teachers and parents were much stricter then in today's society and this is not their fault, it is just the way times have become. It is also the attitudes of teenagers in today's society which cause these problems. Because of these easy accessible ways of watching and understand sex, teenagers have been able to understand the meaning of it, and although they don't understand the real meaning, they are able to grasp the concept which was basically unthinkable in the past 50 years.
Sexually Transmitted diseases are a serious concern that should be looked upon by all teenagers in today's society. A sexually transmitted disease is a disease that spreads from one person to another during sexual intercourse.
One STD that many people are worried about getting is HIV. While new ways of treating this infection can significantly change an infected person's life, for far too many people this infection eventually progresses to AIDS and, ultimately, death. More than 40 million people worldwide are infected with the HIV virus; women account for 50% of those infected. In the US, African Americans account for a large number of HIV cases. Many people may not realize they are infected, as the HIV virus is often dormant for the first few years. HIV testing is the only sure way to know if you are infected. However, you can take steps to help prevent the infection.
Herpes is another STD that presently has no cure. However, treatment is available and there are a number of things you can do yourself at home to help relieve your genital herpes. Herpes symptoms include blisters or sores that periodically break out on the genitals.
Chlamydia is a common sexually transmitted disease caused by bacteria. You get it by having sex or sexual contact with someone who is infected. Both men and women can get it. Chlamydia usually doesn't cause symptoms. If it does, you might notice a burning feeling when you urinate or abnormal discharge from your vagina or penis. In both men and women, Chlamydia can infect the urinary tract. In women, infection of the reproductive system can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, which can cause infertility or serious problems with pregnancy. Babies born to infected mothers can get eye infections and pneumonia from Chlamydia. In men, Chlamydia can infect the epididymis, the tube that carries sperm. This can cause pain, fever and rarely, infertility. Gonorrhea is a curable sexually transmitted disease. It is most common in young adults. The bacteria that cause gonorrhea can infect the genital tract, mouth or anus. Gonorrhea does not always cause symptoms, especially in women. In men, gonorrhea can cause pain when urinating and discharge from the penis. If untreated, it can cause epididymitis, which affects the testicles and can lead to infertility. In women, gonorrhea can cause bleeding between periods, pain when urinating and increased discharge from the vagina. If untreated, it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, which causes problems with pregnancy and infertility. Gonorrhea can pass from mother to baby during pregnancy. There are a few warning signs of the transmission of these diseases. For Herpes, Recurring outbreaks of blister like sores on the genitals or on areas such as the mouth can be a sign of herpes.