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The Crazy Fireman

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The Crazy Fireman

There was once a crazy fireman named Donald with a Dalmatian dog named Hose A. Maxim. Maxim was the name of the fire engine that Donald drove for the department. He worked for many years at a local fire station in Holyoke. One day there was a big explosion and the bells started ringing. He grabbed his gear and jumped on the back of the engine and they sped off to the fire. Once there he was told to grab the hose and attach it to the fire hydrant and then go in the building and start spraying. Donald made his way to the second floor and shortly after he reached that floor there was another big boom and Donald was ejected out the window onto the chief's car.

The paramedics came to Donald's aid put him on a stretcher and took him off to the hospital with sirens blaring. He released after several months of rehab to be told that he could no longer fight fires. Donald was devastated. Because he could no longer be a working fireman at the station Donald decided that he would start his own fire station in his back yard.

Donald's home was a big white house with a big back yard. One day Donald was sitting in the yard and started to dream of his perfect home. In his dream he saw a white house with a red roof and a large red garage. From this dream he decided to call the roofers and the painters to get this done. When they were all done Donald sat back and looked at their work and thought, it is missing something! A few days later he called the builder and asked them to build him a big red doghouse for his dog Maxim. In this doghouse Maxim had his own miniature fire truck, hoses and all. But still this did not seem to be enough for Donald.

Later that month Donald decided to look for his very own fire engine. He called everyone he knew until he found someone that had one from Wakefield. Donald took one look at the engine and fell in love he had to have it. The next day Donald started to drive to Wakefield with one of his friends to pick up the engine. When driving it home he thought that there should be a group called the Mass Antique Fire Apparatus Association he would call it MAFAA for short. When Donald finally reached home with the engine he backed it into this beautiful red garage along with other fire related object that he had collected and started working on the MAFAA group. It did not take long before the group was large enough to have many chapters.

Donald had a wife named Nina which means fire in Indian. Because he had such an attraction to everything related to fire, Nina started to become interested also. For their next wedding anniversary Donald gave Nina her very own miniature Fire house that light up. This started Nina's very own collection of mini firehouses. Nina was hooked now just as bad as Donald. They would sit outside on a nice night and talk about redesigning their yard to have more features like a fire house would have.

One of the first things that they thought of was to add a fire Hydrant in the middle of their lawn. Once they got the hydrant and painted it like new Donald had an idea. He made it into a base for a flag pole which he could fly his fire association flag along with an American flag. Pretty soon Donald got bored with his fire engine and decided to buy a car which he would make into his very own chiefs car. This process took many years to complete and even though he finished it he thinks of things to make it better every day.

Nina started to go to the shows with Donald and pick up little fire items here and there to use around the house. One of those items was a pull

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