This Child of Mine
By: Victor • Essay • 667 Words • January 19, 2010 • 964 Views
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One of the most precious things in life is a child. They can make you soar or they can make you scream. My son, Gage, is the light of my life. He is my one true love. He is what I live for, and he is the only thing I would die for. Everything about my son, from the hair on top of his head, to the dirt between his toes, inside and out, is the ultimate masterpiece of any artist.
Gage is the most beautiful thing I've ever laid my eyes upon. His hair is the color of the wheat fields in autumn, and it is so soft that it dances in the wind like prairie grass. When I look into his eyes I see the ocean. They are so blue and so full of life. When he looks into mine, there in his eyes exists a sparkle so strong that the brightest star would have no contest. This child of mine has a smile so huge I can't help but to smile back. When he puts his arms around me I can feel his muscles straining into the world's greatest bear hug. Gage's hands may be small, but they are the perfect fit for mine.
Though his legs may be skinny and long, they carry him through a game of tag as quickly as a pack of wolves on the plains. When he steps in the mud with no shoes or socks, the footprints he leaves behind still remind me of the ones on his birth certificate. He must have the smallest feet of any six year old. My favorite part about him would be his toes. They are small little nubs on the end of his feet. They don't even look like toes; they look like the smallest sausages in the world. When his feet are dirty, the dirt gets stuck in the grooves of the skin between his toes and it looks like a miniature road map to nowhere.
Even more beautiful than his looks is his personality. Within that tiny little head of his, lies a world of wonder. Gage is a never ending supply of love. No matter who comes into his life, he is a friend to all. He may not have a love