Understanding Sims
By: Jessica • Essay • 680 Words • February 19, 2010 • 1,069 Views
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Cheat mode:
Enter 20 as your name. When you do so, a space may appear before the "20". Remove the space, then confirm the name. Once activated, you will have $99,999, 175 in strength, knowledge, and charm, and 99 of all six items and gifts.
Information in this section was contributed by SephDeathstorm.
Saori Nako's passwords:
Information in this section was contributed by SephDeathstorm.
Let's just be friends: c2okquy
All Positions Unlocked: t9GJ6Ol
Nami Nishimura's passwords:
Information in this section was contributed by SephDeathstorm.
Let's just be friends: 8HNcgZq
All Positions Unlocked: HtrkwtI
Kumiko Nagahama's passwords:
Information in this section was contributed by SephDeathstorm.
Let's just be friends: 8WgUUD8
All Positions Unlocked: XaoWCBZ
Hint: Full meter on date:
While on a date with a girl, right click and select "Play". She will ask you a question. Answer correctly and her meter will go up. Repeat this until her meter is full, then leave.
Information in this section was contributed by Charlie Thornsburg.
Hint: Uses for items:
Information in this section was contributed by SephDeathstorm.
Hair Dye: When a sweat drop appears in the hair area.
EZ Tan Oil: When your date seems mad (angry face).
Make Up: When red blush-like circles are under your date's eyes.
Hint: Easy date:
Press the Right Mouse Button and press "Play" during a date for a one of two questions to appear. You may have to select "Play" twice for it to appear. Once the question appears, using this trick again to bring up the same question repeatedly, making the date easy.
Information in this section was contributed by SephDeathstorm.
Hint: Never get arrested:
When doing the "Delivery" job and you end up jailed, while on the jail screen (where you are behind bars sweating), press the Right Mouse Button and select "Play". If nothing occurs, do it again. You will most likely end up in the club talking to Saori, and all the things she is able to say while on relationship level "Stranger" will start. Select "Play" again, to stop, then leave. You will now be back on the same exact day, with the same HP, and you can try the job again.
Information in this section was contributed by SephDeathstorm.
Hint: Getting the diary when you do not have it:
While in the club with a girl, press the Right Mouse Button and select "Play". All possible things she can say at the current relationship level will scroll, until either you stop at a question you must answer or her diary opens up. This is useful for finding out what day is free for her. Keep in mind that you have to do this every time until you actually find the diary.
Information in this section was contributed by SephDeathstorm.
Hint: Kumiko Nagahama's information:
Information in this section was contributed by neo sans.
Name: Kumiko Nagahama
Phone number: 555-423-3278
Birthday: November 12
Music: DJ Krush
Shop: 109 Department Store
Label: Sheep Dip
Been to love hotel: 15 times
Height: 164 cm
Weight: 44 kg
Breast: 90 cm
Waist: 53 cm
Hips: 88 cm
Blood Type: O
Hotel Room: R312
Hint: Nami Nishimura's information:
Information in this section was contributed by neo sans.