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Uses of Statistical Information

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Uses of Statistical Information

Sandra L. Berrier

University of Phoenix

Statistical Applications

HCS 438

Lynn Bertsch, Ph.D.(ABD), MBA, MSN

Jun 12, 2006

Uses of Statistical Information

What is Statistics?

"Statistics is a mathematical science pertaining to collection, analysis, interpretation and presentation of data" (Wikipedia contributors, 2006). Statistics are a valuable kind of information because they can provide data for making comparisons and determining trends. There are many uses for statistics, "but perhaps its most important purpose is to help us make good decisions about issues that involve uncertainty" (Bennett, Briggs, & Triola, 2003, p. 8).

Kinds of Statistical Information Collected in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU)

There are two primary areas of statistical information collected in the ICU. These two areas are:

1. Central line infections

2. Ventilator associated pneumonias (VAP)

Central Line Infections

Central venous catheters (CVCs) are being used with increasing frequency in the ICU to provide long-term venous access. The goal of collecting statistical information in regard to CVCs is for the prevention of catheter-related bloodstream infections. Approximately 95% percent of clients in the ICU have CVCs in place and are potential candidates for catheter- related bloodstream infections (S. Peaks, personal communication, June 8 and 9, 2006).

There are five components to the central line bundle:

1. "Hand hygiene

2. Maximal barrier precautions

3. Chlorhexidine skin antisepsis

4. Optimal catheter site

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