By: Jon • Essay • 415 Words • January 20, 2010 • 899 Views
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Panic Room
Have you ever wondered what would life be without sound? If all things were just what they were and couldn’t be told apart by the sounds they produced? Well, luckily movies have shied away from the silent form and has given us many of today’s catchiest phrases. In this write-up I will attempt to explain the importance of sound in the movie Panic Room.
Panic room is a suspense thriller; and by that I mean that the nerves of the viewer are cued up by numerous affects. One of which happens to be sound. In this movie the sound sets the mood. The sound is our cue as to what things are going on and are going to happen throughout the movie. The main prop of the movie, an old house, is one that has many sounds. This movie is the movie of three robbers in search of a safe that has contents worth over 20 million dollars and in there quest they run into a mother and daughter that have looked themselves inside a state of the art protective room. I will attempt to portray a synopsis of the film and show how the sound plays very active roll in the development of the plot.
The movie starts off by the mother waking up in the middle of the night. The background is filled with silence her steps are slow and without knowing makes the old house creek by her footsteps. She then goes