Favourit Music Genre.
By: David • Essay • 452 Words • January 26, 2010 • 934 Views
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As I can recall, it was about three years ago, when I was at my friend's house, listening to my iPod, I was influenced by hip hop, rap and rnb, he was quite different, he was influenced by heavy metal, or you can call him a metal head. Anyhow, as I was switching between the songs on my iPod I heard this burst of music pounding from his speakers, so I pressed the pause button on my iPod and started listening to what he was listening to.
After the song was over, I felt this new inspiration that's rushed thro my veins, that was the day when I got this gut feeling that changed my life and my way of thinking.
I always used to think like any random ignorant illiterate person that heavy metal music was all about screaming and disturbing people, but when I got into it and knew what it is talking about, I was proved to be totally wrong, heavy metal is not a thrash music you listen to when you are only incensed or boiling, no, heavy metal is a sensation, you feel it before you hear it.
And when you talk about heavy metal you are not talking about one genre only, heavy metal has many sub genres and every sub genre has its specific topic or issue that's being discussed in the songs. For instance You'll find death metal, talking about wars and how people suffer during it, you'll get to feel the song while listening to the brutal vocals with the distortion guitars, it makes you feel what is the song talking about, then comes power metal, which talks about the legends and old ages heroes and their achievements