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Rain Man

By:   •  Essay  •  330 Words  •  January 22, 2010  •  936 Views

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Often in life the greatest thing you have is that which you have yet to even know existed. In Rain Main, Charlie Babbage(Tom Cruise) discovers he has a brother Raymond (Dustin Huffman). At first Charlie sees Raymond as an obstacle to inheriting his father's fortune but with time learns to love Raymond his mentally challenged savant brother. Charlie has run into financial difficulties and is about to lose his exotic car dealership. As he attempts to claim his inheritance he discovers for the first time that he has a brother. At first this greatly alarms him. But he ultimately decides to take his brother Raymond on a great adventure.

Raymond has many exotic skills. He can count toothpicks as they hit the ground and can even count cards in Poker. This skills enable Charlie Babbage to rake in the cash in Las Vegas. Raymond has many quirks that seem to drive Charlie absolutely mad. Jeporady has to be watched every day no matter what it seems. In one scene Charlie even has to knock on someone's door and ask if they can watch Jeporady because if they don't then Raymond would pitch quite a fit.

Underwear has to come from K-Mart

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