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Personal Values Development

By:   •  Essay  •  435 Words  •  January 16, 2010  •  971 Views

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Personal values are the genuine beliefs and feelings that one donate. Deliberately, they develop into our ideals. A value is a faith, a duty, or the beliefs that is significant. Whether ones are deliberately conscious of them or not, every person has a core set of personal values. Values can variety from the ordinary, such as the belief in working hard and promptness, to the more mental, such as independence, distress for others, and concord of idea.

"When we examine the lives of famous people, we often see how personal values guided them, propelling them to the top of their fields. For example, one actor was motivated by his commitment to social justice, which led to important acting roles related to that value that made him world famous. Likewise, a well-known business CEO was motivated by the personal value that technology should be easy to use, which caused his company to spawn a technology revolution. Whatever one's values, when we take them to heart and implement them in the smallest details of our lives, great accomplishment and success are sure to follow."(Posner, 2006)

Conversely, personal values can arrive from environment that we live in but it is how each individual receives information. For example, I have been very successful in accomplishing my goals, although my brothers have not been successful in their aspirations. When it comes to me setting my goals to achieve something, I must do research on the subject and learn every about the subject before I can take on the subject. When my brothers get an ideal, they jump face first and end up losing money. We grow-up in the same household but everyone

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