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By:   •  Essay  •  329 Words  •  January 19, 2010  •  824 Views

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Paper #3

Honesty, beauty, truth, and freedom are all concepts that are universal. These concepts can be applied to anyone at anytime anywhere, making these concepts 100% objective. All these concepts are critical and essential for a relationship. Without these there is no relationship only a moment. A relationship can only be had be had by two beings.

The first concept that is needed for a relationship is honesty. To have honesty you have to become completely oblivious to nefarious thoughts. For example if you have the opportunity to steal answers for a test, for you to be honest you must not even let that thought come into your mind. Even if you think about what you can do with those answers you are no longer honest. Honesty is key to a relationship because honesty creates trust, and trust fundamentally brings beings closer together. With out trust beings are fundamentally driven apart. As soon as trust is lost a rift is created, and that rift only continues to grow.

The next thing that is essential to a relationship is beauty. Beauty although seems like a subjective concept is in fact not, because beauty in its

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