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A Comparison of the Three Major Abrahamic Religions

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A comparison of the three major abrahamic religions

Although the followers of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam may see things differently, they all fundamentally hold the same values and codes. The two religions prior to Islam are acknowledged by most Muslims, but are seen as "misunderstood revelations". To Muslims, the Prophet Mohammad's teaching as a complete and final revelation. On the other hand, Christianity, according to the bible, is the one true way to God. For only through the belief of Jesus Christ as the true lord and savior will you be granted access to heaven in the afterlife. Christianity is the second of the three religions and feels that instead it is the closure of "God's word". Judaism, founded by Abraham, is the base from which both of the other two religions sprung. Judaism does not acknowledge either of the two as the way to God. To its predecessors, the Torah is the word of God, and that the belief the other two have for their prophets is unfounded. Although the three religions differ in many areas and on many aspects they also agree on many ideas; the monotheistic belief in the "One True God", the Ten Commandments as well although not always in that format and the belief in heaven and hell are some. Though some may not acknowledge major parts of others, all three of these religions find a common ground in their root and should be explored much further.

Judaism was the first of the three to be cultivated. It was created by the teachings of Abraham and although it is debated that in the beginning there was hints of polytheism it focused on God being Omnipotent and the creator of all things. Its predecessor was Christianity.

Founded by Jesus Christ, Christianity to its followers is the evolution of “God’s religion”. Christians see Jesus Christ as the son of God, “the Lord and Savior”, and the only way to God. Jews, on the other hand see this as blasphemy and feel that there is no validity to his or the Christians claims. This aside the do acknowledge his role in history and his profound message.

Rituals and practices in the two differ somewhat but one common denominator that they have is the quality of ones life. Good deeds and kindness very important to both Jews and Christians. One must live according to the rules set by God in the Ten Commandments. Although this is true, punishment for sin differs widely between the two. Christians believe that if you do not follow God’s commandments, live a decent life, and have been forgiven by “God”, when you die you are condemned to eternal damnation in hell. Although Jews believe that those who have followed God’s word and lived there life the way ordained, spend eternity in heaven, they however don’t focus as much on the afterlife as they do on the “elevation of everyday life”.

The area of what is sinful is a very grey area between the two religions, which essentially lay on the concepts of “original Sin” and “actual sin”. Judaism rejects the idea of “original sin” and believes we all are born with the inclination to be either good or bad depending on our free will. Sin, to Jews, is simply falling off of the path(het) and according to the Jewish law of halachah there is always a way back on to it through either prayer, repentance and tzedakah. Christians, on the other hand, do believe in the concept of “original sin”( the belief that we all inherited the sin of Adam and Eve) and believe that we must be cleansed of that sin, through baptism, in order to be “born again” in the eyes of God. Christians also believe that any “unclean” thought, word, or action is an “actual sin” and must be forgiven through either prayer or confession.

Christianity and Islam are the two that have the greatest misunderstanding among each other out of the three Abrahamic Religions. According to Muslims, Christians border on polytheism with concepts such as “trinity”, “Christology”, and Mariology. Muslims believe that over time, whether intentionally or through errors in translation, the divine text given to Christians by God through prophets has been corrupted. Islam is viewed by Christians as having no relevance simply because they do not believe in Jesus Christ as the true Lord and Savior. To Christians, Jesus is the only way to salvation and eternal life in heaven.

Although Muslims see Christians as “people of the book”, and acknowledge most of the writings in the New Testament as divine text, they believe that Christ and his mother is no more divine than any other prophet. However they do acknowledge that he was conceived without the help of a man, the

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