Emotional Intelligence and How Its Relationship to McGregor's Theory X and Theory Y
By: July • Research Paper • 5,017 Words • February 14, 2010 • 1,179 Views
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“When dealliing wiitth peoplle,, remember you are nott dealliing wiitth creattures of llogiic,,
butt creattures of emottiion” (qttd.. iin braiinyquotte).. Thiis quotte from Dalle Carnegiie presentts
a conceptt tthatt iis very iimporttantt tto tthe worlld of busiiness managementt:: our emottiions..
Riichard S Lazarus,, an expertt on emottiions,, defiines emottiions as “compllex human
reacttiions tto personall achiievementts and settbacks tthatt may be felltt and diispllayed” (Kreiittner
and Kiiniickii 172).. Emottiions can be very powerfull and can serve us wellll,, butt tthey can
allso holld us back from whatt we iinttend tto do.. Therefore,, a manager who has sttrong
conttroll over hiis or her emottiions wiillll be more lliikelly tto succeed iin tthe busiiness worlld tthan
one who iis nott.. Butt how exacttlly can one measure conttroll over ttheiir emottiions? The
answer tto tthiis questtiion may be expllaiined by “emottiionall iinttelllliigence..” Emottiionall
iinttelllliigence,, or EQ,, based on tthe wriittiings of P.. Sallovey and J..D.. Mayer,, iis defiined as
“…tthe abiilliitty tto manage ones own emottiions and tthe emottiions of otthers tto promotte
growtth,, wellll-beiing,, and functtiionall sociiall rellattiions” (Barretttt and Sallovey 1)..
Haviing sttrong emottiionall iinttelllliigence can mean tthe diifference bettween sttattiing
your case callmlly iin an argumentt and sttattiing your case iin an argumentt by yelllliing and
iintterrupttiing tthe otther partty.. Haviing tthiis skiillll can even mean tthe diifference bettween
keepiing your jjob and llosiing your jjob,, due tto tthe factt tthatt jjustt one negattiive emottiionall
outtburstt can cause your superviisors tto frown upon you and questtiion your emplloymentt..
Siince keepiing your emottiions under conttroll and usiing tthem effecttiivelly iis so iincrediiblly
iimporttantt,, iitt iis beiing argued tthatt emottiionall iinttelllliigence may be more iimporttantt tthan
formall iinttelllliigence,, or IQ,, iin dettermiiniing your success (Tubbs 168).. Despiitte iitts
iimporttance,, EQ can be a hard subjjectt tto grasp,, as iitt iis consiidered tthe mostt prottean of allll
known psychollogiicall consttructts (Matttthews,, Zeiidner,, and Robertts 9).. Therefore,, tto gett a
betttter grasp on tthe conceptt of emottiionall iinttelllliigence,, iitt has been diiviided iintto fiive diisttiinctt
areas:: sellf-awareness,, managiing emottiions,, mottiivattiing onesellf,, empatthy,, and sociiall skiilllls
(Hunsaker 28).. To be ttrully iin ttouch wiitth your emottiions and tto be consiidered tto have
hiigh emottiionall iinttelllliigence,, one mustt be profiiciientt iin each of tthese areas..
The mere menttiion of tthe ttopiic of emottiionall iinttelllliigence calllls tto lliightt a paiir of
conceptts tthatt can allso affectt how we deall wiitth otthers iin tthe workpllace,, McGregor’s
Theory X and Theory Y.. Thiis sett of ttheoriies presentts tthe iidea tthatt a manager’s viiew of
human natture falllls iintto one of ttwo cattegoriies (Hunsaker 40).. The fiirstt iis Theory X,,
whiich iis tthe belliief tthatt humans do nott lliike work,, llack responsiibiilliitty,, and need tto be
wattched every miinutte iin order tto make sure tthatt tthey work.. Theory Y,, on tthe otther hand,,
sttattes tthatt humans lliike work iif tthey are commiitttted tto iitt,, seek outt responsiibiilliitty,, and are