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Envs200 Lead Research

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Jenelle Dennis

Joanne Dittersdorf

Envs 200:001

10 December 2018

I choose to talk about lead in children and in adults and what causes lead to get into your blood. Lead is a natural thing found deep in the ground, it doesn’t always come in large amounts. Lead can and will start in small portions in or along with other elements. For example, copper zinc per silver. You may not even know but lead is all around as we go on our day to day lives and don’t even know. Another prime source of lead comes in based paints that can be found in older houses, drinking from a lead base pipe, it’s also in some of our kid’s toys.

At this point no amount of lead is safe all amounts from big to small is extremely dangerous. Not only, is lead in so many places and items but also as little as 5 micrograms found in a child’s blood is considered a risk and public health action. This should be initiated according to research. There are different types of health effects based on the ug/dL amount of lead, a small child or an adult has consume that will raise red flags. For 5 ug/dL lead in a child they would have a decreased iq, and for adults they would have a decrease in their kidney functions, maternal blood and dissociated with reduced fetal growth.

Along with that when 10 ug/dL found in a child that the causes delay in puberty, reduced growth and lesson the hearing. As for adults the blood pressure increases incidence of essential tremor also increases. There are a few different ways to avoid lead poison and know what to look out for. One example is checking for lead based paint in old buildings/homes.

Many of us heard about lead, but how many of us know about lead, or even where it could be found. To give you a short background leaf is a naturally occurring element found in small amounts in the earth’s crust. However, lead has some type of beneficial uses like it can be and still today being used to make lead base pipes. Most of the lead used today is used in the production on lead acid storage batteries, such as the batteries found in automobiles. Several lead alloys are widely used.

As far as the harmful aspect lead can be toxic to humans and animals causing deadly health defects. Lead can be found in many parts of the environment and we don’t even think twice about it. As you continue to read on you will learn about the different types of lead positioning along with the effect difference in a child and the effects it will have on an adult.

Let’s start of by talking about lead poisoning in children and the serious effects it can have. First things first if you do have a young child it is extremely important to find out if your child is at any risk of getting position. If you live in an old home that would be your first step. Not to mention a lot of our kid’s toys that were made outside of the United States have been found containing lead within them. According to each year in the United States 310,000 1-5 years old are found to have unsafe levels of lead in their blood. Young children and unborn babies are at greater risk for health problems, due to their smaller bodies and the fact that they are growing. This allows the poison to absorb and retain lead in their blood.

As much as 5microg rams found in a child’s blood is considered a risk and public health actions should be in motion immediately. These kids can come across lea whether it was inhaled, swallowed, aborted through skin contact. When we say through skin contact that means touching a product that contains led. All of these will be considered as poison, lead can lead to wide range of symptoms. Starts from things as small as a stomach pain, headaches and anemial pain. Or bigger things like affecting a child’s developing brain. As lead reaches a young child’s blood decreases in bone and muscle growth, poor

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