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Exciton Energy of Cds Quantum Dots

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Studying the quantum size e ects on the exciton energy of two-dimensional CdS quantum

dots in the single band e ective mass approximation for both electron and hole, we

use a nite con nement in the x{y plane and we assume also that the induced charge is

spread along a very thin interface in the z-direction. Solving the SchrŠodinger equation

with a new numerical method, which is called potential morphing method, we obtain

the corresponding energy within the self-consistent Hartree scheme. Excellent agreement

is obtained with the experimental values of exciton energies for various sizes of

CdS quantum dots in the strong, medium and weak con nement limit.

Keywords: Quantum Dots; excitons and related phenomena; solutions of wave equations:

bound states.

PACS numbers: 73.63.Kv, 71.35.-y, 03.65.Ge.

1. Introduction

Semiconductors quantum dots (QDs) have been a subject of intense theoretical and

experimental interest in the last few years.1 Contrary to bulk semiconductors where

the energy is a function of the momentum, in (small) QDs all the bands disappear

and are replaced by discrete levels.2

The increasing experimental capability in the fabrication of QDs for a wide

spectra of sizes, drives the experimental and theoretical interest for the overall

understanding of these systems since, due to quantum con nement, the electronic

and optical properties are strongly dot-size dependent.1{3

Many theoretical studies have been devoted to the study of the quantum size

e ects on the exciton energy in QDs. Most of them are related to studies in

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4094 S. Baskoutas et al.

the e ective mass approximation (EMA) with perturbation method,4 variational

method,5{11 matrix diagonalization method,12;13 as well as to studies in di erent

procedures such as the tight-binding method14;15 and the pseudopotential

method.16 It is also well known that in the determination of the observed con-

nement e ects in very small QDs (when their radius is much smaller than the

corresponding exciton Bohr radius R  aB, the so called strong con nement approximation

SCA), single band EMA is not valida;b any more.15;17;18 However we

must emphasize at this point the fact that in most cases the EMA results were

obtained under the assumption of perfect con nement (in nite barriers, IEMA) for

both electron and hole. Several papers9;20 with variational and perturbation methods

pointed out that this extreme hard-wall constraint is the main reason for the

disagreement between theory and experiment and carried out calculations assuming

an incomplete con nement ( nite barriers, FEMA) for the electron and hole.

The output of such calculations is in a very good quantitative agreement with that

obtained for the excitonic properties calculated using other methods.20

Recently P. G. Bolcatto et al.21 assuming at rst that FEMA is a qualitative,

flexible and versalite theoretical tool for the study of the excitonic properties of QDs

and taking into account the dielectric mismatch between QD and the surrounding

matrix, proposed the existence of an interface with a width of 2, which surrounds

the dot (for in nite con nement  ! 0). Actually, the induced charge is spread

along this interface and the divergence in the self-polarization energy dissapears.c

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