Science & Technology
By: Victor • Study Guide • 452 Words • January 19, 2010 • 1,102 Views
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Between pages 45-52, Sagan states the characteristics of science. Enlist which is the main idea of each paragraph. After each idea, explain, in your own words, what that idea refers to.
• Science isn’t completely right all the time. By this statement, Sagan tries to make us realize the fact that no science is always exact. There will always be a certain margin of error.
• Every experiment comes from imagination but follows a certain order. Before any experiment, there has to be a general idea that conducts it and ideas come from imagination.
• Science is capable of correcting itself. Since it has an order, once there’s a mistake, it can be easily corrected.
• In every scientific process there will always be error. However, thanks to it, there’s opportunity to learn from these mistakes.
• Hypotheses are essential to learn from errors since once the experiment is over; you can prove it right or wrong.
• Don’t believe everything that is told to you. Science will help us realize if it’s the truth.
• Discoveries aren’t always clear at first sight. There are many factors affecting our understanding. It would be easier if everything was more comprehensible to our eyes.
• Science is not against religion. The thing is that it studies more profoundly the same aspects involved in religion.
• Beliefs can be challenged by science especially since they can be easily proven wrong with a logical and rational scientific explanation.
• Science doesn’t have prohibitions. Its main goal is to explain anything that hasn’t been cleared out before. Therefore, science is unlimited.
• Scientific processes might seem confusing and disorganized. Given that so many people are involved in this type of procedures, science may not be as organized as